Conducted by the Leafmonkey Workshop, this is an introduction to the various intertidal ecosystems: rocky shore, sandy shore, seagrasses, coral rubble, reefs and the tides.
The focus of this workshop is on connecting ordinary people with nature. If you are a nature guide and have been struggling, trying to digest and convert biological facts to fun stories for your visitors, this workshop is for you!
This workshop aims to bring experienced and new nature guides together to brainstorm ideas. Let's learn from one another, and come up with new ways to share our passion.
Be prepared to work hard, have fun, make new friends and definitely learn new ways of looking at guiding and our wild places.
Ria Tan, WildSingapore
Ria is the author of the Chek Jawa Guidebook as well as the WildSingapore series of websites. She can be found at every low tide visiting almost every piece of shoreline in Singapore. She can be found writing at the wild shores of singapore blog as well.
More details of the event on the Leafmonkey Workshop
Please register by 3 Feb (Wed)
Date: 5 Feb (Fri)
Time: 7 - 9.30pm
Venue: Civil Service College, 31 North Buona Vista Road Singapore 275983 [Map]