25 July 2024

Mass coral bleaching at Pulau Semakau (North)

The team surveys the rich reefs of Pulau Semakau (North). They encounter Giant clam, large sea stars, large snails and other interesting marine life.
Mass coral bleaching 2024 check at Pulau Semakau (North), 25 Jul 2024
We estimate about 20% of hard corals were bleaching and are relieved to see very little recent death, with many large colonies at the reef edge still healthy. Unfortunately, seagrasses remain sparse. Kelvin also flew the drone for unique overviews of the situation.

24 July 2024

Mass coral bleaching at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal

Today, a small team returns to survey the amazing coral reef that has settled naturally on the seawalls of Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal. There were lush seagrasses on the shore next to the Ferry terminal. 
Mass coral bleaching 2024 check at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, 24 Jul 2024
Sadly, we saw signs of oil on the shores and also extensive mass coral bleaching (about 30%) and coral deaths (about 20%). But otters were seen and the seagrasses seem alright.

First and last survey of Terumbu Palat

A small team survey a trio of tiny submerged reefs that are likely to be buried in the upcoming Pulau Sudong reclamation.
The team encounter corals and a variety of marine life, including the endangered Merten's carpet anemone. Here's a compilation of their photos, links to their albums at the end of this post.

23 July 2024

Lost Coast with signs of dugong despite reclamation

This vast sandy shore is a habitat that is now rare in Singapore (thus 'lost') and home to animals that we seldom see on our other shores. This reclaimed shore in Changi East was in the past, remote and difficult to reach; thus 'lost' in yet another sense. In 2022, it was announced that this entire area will be totally reclaimed again; so it will likely be permanently lost forever. This area is strictly off limits without a permit. We surveyed with permission from various agencies kindly arranged by NParks. 
Dugong feeding trails, Lost Coast, Jul 2024
Today, we saw lots of dugong feeding trails on both the southern and northern corner of this vast shore. The shore seems less lively compared to our last survey in Jun 2023, and we saw what seems to some small signs of impact from the Pasir Panjang oil spill last month.

22 July 2024

Reefy Changi with some coral bleaching

A small team check out the delicate 'reefy' garden under the Changi Boardwalk. 
Living sea fans at Changi Coastal Boardwalk, Jul 2024
The sea fans and sponges were doing very well! The team spot seahorse, nudibranchs and other interesting marine life. Unfortunately, we noticed some mass coral bleaching. 

21 July 2024

Small oil slicks still seen on East Coast Park (Sailing Centre)

I make a quick survey at East Coast Park (Sailing Centre) to check for impact from the 400tonne Pasir Panjang oil spill on 14 Jun 2024, about a month ago.
Oil spill check at East Coast Park (Sailing Centre), 21 Jul 2024
There are still small puddles of oil slick gathered at the low water mark. But the walls surrounding the shore seem clear of oil. The seagrasses are still there, and there is still life on the shore. Although there are fewer animals and some are missing, compared to our last survey here in May 2024.


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