Sand Mining at Area 1 and Dumping at (i) Jurong Island LNG Project and (ii) Pasir Panjang Terminal Project working areas
from Port Marine Notice No. 7 of 2009 dated 16 Jan 09
This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No 186 of 2008. The working area at PPT has been revised and working period has been extended.
With effect from 20 Jan 2009 to 19 Jul 2009, 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays.
Location : Area 1, Eastern part of Singapore, within working area bounded by the
following co-ordinates (please see Notice to Mariners - 67P/2008) See also google map in this post.
The reclamation works will involve dredging by Trailer-Suction-Hopper-Dredger (TSHD) at Area 1. Area 1 extends from the Singapore Port Limit into the westbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) within the Singapore Strait.
All dredged materials will be dumped at Jurong Island LNG project (see Working Area C)

and Pasir Panjang Terminal project (See Working Area 8)

Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to the following Project Co-ordinators: Jurong Island project and Jurong Island LNG project: Mr. A. Muhaimin at Tel No: 98178572 (email: muhaimin@pkdbh.com.sg); and Pasir Panjang Terminal project: Mr. Y. Abe at Tel No: 9664 8810 (email: y.abe@mypenta.net).The massive reclamation at Pasir Panjang is right next to the Labrador Nature Reserve shore. I just visited the Labrador shore a few days ago to see how it is doing.
The work site is also near the natural shore at Sentosa. This photo is from the table top model at the URA Master Plan exhibition.

Links to more
- Info for visitors to Labrador
- More about Cyrene Reefs
- More about Sentosa's natural shores