And a fascinating article "Citizen science and the gathering of ornithological data in Singapore" by Y. C. Wee and R. Subaraj. More details about this article on the Bird Ecology Studies Group blog.
List of articles uploaded as of today. Visit the site for links to free PDF downloads of the articles.
1. New records of predatory slugs from Singapore with notes on their feeding behaviour. S. K. Tan and S.-Y. Chan. Pp. 1–7.
2. The rainbow mud snake, Enhydris enhydris (Schneider) [Reptilia: Squamata: Homalopsidae] in Singapore. K. K. P. Lim and V. D’Rozario. Pp. 9-12.
3. Larval development and metamorphosis of the hawkmoth, Theretra suffusa (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae: Macroglossinae). T. M. Leong and V. D’Rozario. Pp. 13-20.
4. Endotrophic tadpoles of the Saint Andrew’s Cross toadlet, Pelophryne signata (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae) in Singapore. T. M. Leong and S. C. Teo. Pp. 21-25.
5. Citizen science and the gathering of ornithological data in Singapore. Y. C. Wee and R. Subaraj. Pp. 27-30.