Reclamation works in Ayer Merbau Basin
from Port Marine Notice No. 171 of 2008 dated 11 Sep 08
This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No 62 of 2008.
The working period has been extended. With effect from 21 Sep 2008 to 20 Mar 2009, in Ayer Merbau Basin, within a working area in the attached plan:

24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. Reclamation works will entail sand filling and removal of existing revetment. Sand fill works will be carried out by TSHD.(TSHD is short for 'trailing suction hopper dredger' more about this and the possible adverse impacts).
There will be occasional survey work carried out by DHI survey vessel as required. Proper precautions will be in place and a safe working distance from all vessels will be kept when such operations are carried out. A safety boat will be deployed to advise all craft to keep clear of the working area. Further enquires relating to the project can be directed to Mr S Y Yoon, the project manager, at Tel: 9795 5884, email: area (in yellow) is close to Cyrene Reefs, which is already likely to be affected by the massive dredging going on at the same time (the dredging area is marked in red).