Marcus and I managed some quick photos of the mangroves that Dr Jean Yong showed us the day before. But soon, we got hit by the weather.
Too wet to wander and the tide still high, Marcus and I decided to try to find the patch of mangroves in the middle of the island. A bit of mild bush whacking got us to a wonderous site full of mudlobster mounds!!

Fortunately, the rain lightened as the sun set and tide fell. But the wind was mighty strong. If I didn't take off my poncho, I was sure I would fly like a kite.
Pulau Semakau's reefs are humungous and the good stuff is spaced out far apart. There's of course, hard corals on the reefs. In all kinds of shapes and colours.

We also saw several Torch anchor corals (Euphyllia glaberescens), which so far I've only seen on Pulau Semakau and Pulau Hantu. Other hard corals that were commonly seen included Brain corals (Family Mussidae), Maze corals and Hexagonal corals (Family Faviidae) and Sandpaper corals (Psammocora sp.)

Here is one such sea anemone, that is large and appears 'hairy' due to its many long tentacles.

I also came across one Giant carpet anemone (Stichodactyla gigantea) and I thought I saw a wriggle of an anemonefish but it was just too wet to look for it.
Marcus came across a large sea anemone which looked quite different from anything I've seen. It might be the Snaky anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis) or something else entirely! [Afternote: It turned out to be Heteractis crispa which was thought to be locally extinct! See Marcus' The Annotated Budak blog for more details!}
We also came across the Wriggly star anemone (yet to be identified) and lots of Frilly sea anemones (Phymanthus sp.)
A good reef provides shelter and food for a wide range of marine life. Splashing about in the murky shallows and deeper waters were all kinds of fishes. Too fast for me to photograph.
At sunset, Eric, Alicia and Edward joined us on the shores and we spotted more things with more pairs of eyes.
Knobbly sea stars (Protoreaster nodosus) are always a delight to encounter. There are, however, not as many of these stars at Pulau Semakau compared to Cyrene Reef.

Edward and Eric found this enormous Eye-spotted sea cucumber (Stichopus ocellatus)! It too seemed to exceed 30cm. But Eric who dives in all kinds of exotic places, says he's seen much bigger ones.

In a pool, we saw two large cuttlefishes or squids (we couldn't tell in the murky waters) zooming about, puffing ink clouds here and there.
Everyone loves nudibranchs and Pulau Semakau's reefs seldom disappoint.

Another commonly seen nudibranch is the Polka-dotted nudibranch (Jorunna funebris).

Eric also saw a Glossodoris atromarginata in the seagrass meadow. An odd place for it to be.
For me, the find of the day was this beautiful flatworm with fine lines.

According to Leslie Harris of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, who earlier kindly commented on my worm photos, this is probably NOT Pseudobiceros fulgor as the arrangement and size of the lines and the margin are too different. On the other hand, it does not match anything else so far commonly recorded elsewhere.
Marcus saw lots of other fantastic stuff including a feather star. We'll have to wait a while for him to blog as he catches up with more interviews and briefings to NEA for the Semakau Book.
All too soon the tide turned and it was time to make the long trek home. It was extra hard walking back against a super strong, constantly roaring wind that literally made us deaf. I suggested we should walk back in a V-formation to save energy...haha. Later on I found out strong winds had cause much damage in some parts of Indonesia.
It's been exhausting doing Pulau Semakau two days in a row. But always exhilarating to explore the shores!
Two more days of low spring tide!