What really happened at Chek Jawa before reclamation was deferred? What lessons were learnt and how do these lessons guide current conservation efforts?
"Conservation issues in Southeast Asia" by Mary Rose Posa
"Lessons from Chek Jawa: diversity, communication, and engagement in Singapore" by N. Sivasothi
Two talks and discussions by the Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore for the Urban Tropical Ecology (Singapore) module, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University led by Dan Rittschof and Mike Orbach.
The talks are free and all volunteers and members of the natural history community are welcome.
Please sign up here: http://tinyurl.com/constalk-01apr2013
So we know to switch to a smaller or larger room.
Date: 1 Apr (Mon)
Time: 6-9pm
Venue: Conference Room 1, Block S3, Level 5, Department of Biological Sciences Map: http://map.sivasothi.com