I just managed to attend the launch of Khew Sin Khoon's awesome "A Field Guide to Butterflies of Singapore" this morning. As usual, Khew gives a great talk introducing some of the efforts made for our butterflies.

Here's the intrepid Butterfly Circle gang when they were doing a survey of the butterflies at the Istana!
With more insights into our butterflies ...
Although Singapore is tiny, we have a good variety of butterfly species!

And MORE species are continuously being discovered!

Some of them are 'foreign talent'! Including some from as far away as America!

Khew also sheds some light on commonly asked questions about butterflies. Such as how to tell butterflies and moths apart.

And of course, we mustn't forget that caterpillars are very much a part of butterflies! And we must love the whole animal in all its forms.

Khew shows an awesome animation of a butterfly emerging! Surely among the most magical sights of nature. There was also a lovely slideshow of his favourite photos and a 'little red dot' animation to launch the book.

Khew was kept very busy after the talk. Badgered on all sides for autographs.

And deservedly so, for a great guidebook!

Find out more about why and how the guidebook was done in
Metamorphosis - the Birth of a New (Butterfly) Book on the Butterflies of Singapore blog.
Congratulations to Khew and his marvellous team for a much-needed resource for nature lovers! Thank you!
Khew and the awesome Butterfly Circle have been sharing exquisite photos and meticulous and fascinating details about our butterflies through the
Butterflies of Singapore blog.
You can also find out more about our 'butts', as Khew cheekily refers to them, on the
Butterfly Circle website which includes a
photo checklist and fact sheets.
Best way to learn about butterflies? Come for Khew's talk on 16 Oct (Sat)!
Talk on "Butterflies of Singapore"Date: 16 Oct (Sat)
Time: 10am
Venue: Function Hall, Botany Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens
The talk is free and all are welcome!