It's the first of the morning low tides for the year, and I thought I should see how our last mainland reef is doing.

And how nice to see life is still hanging on at this much beleaguered shore. There were lots of little
Copperband butterfly fishes (
Chelmon rostratus)!
In fact, there were quite a few fishes on the shore. The
Ornate lagoon-gobies (
Istigobius nebulous) were abundant and large. And there were many little
Crescent perch (
Terapon jarbua).

There were also many little
Bengal sergeants (
Abudefduf bengalensis) and several small
Brown sweetlips (
Plectorhinchus gibbosus) that resemble dead leaves. They even float about in a lackadaisical fashion to resemble bits of litter.

I also saw two medium-sized
filefishes (Family Monacanthidae). They were very well camouflaged and remained almost motionless.

There were also many tiny
White-spotted rabbitfishes (
Siganus canaliculatus), and this fish that I don't know.

All these tiny fishes eventually grow up and are probably among those that the fishermen catch at the jetty. So preserving this shore is important if fishermen want to continue to enjoy fishing at Labrador.
While there many
swimming crabs (Family Portunidae) large and small, I didn't see any other kind of crab. Not even the usually abundant
Hairy crabs (Family Pilumnidae) and
Red egg crabs (
Atergatis integerrimus).

Also not as abundant as I expected, were the
Frilly sea anemones (
Phymanthus sp.), I only saw two. Although it was nice to see one
peacock anemone (Order Ceriantharia) among the seagrasses.

I also saw two colonies of these
flowery soft corals (Family Neptheidea). But didn't see any
leathery soft corals (Family Alcyoniidae) of any size.

The most abundant animal on the shore must be the zoanthids. Mostly the
Button zoanthids (
Zoanthus sp.), with a few
Broad zoanthids (
Palythoa mutuki).

There was a great variety of seaweeds on the shore. Especially the green seaweeds. From left to right:
Hairy green seaweed (
Bryopsis sp.) which was in bloom,
Caulerpa sertularioides, Caulerpa serrulata, Caulerpa lentillifera,
Caulerpa racemosa var peltata,
Caulerpa peltata, 
Here's more strange-looking things that are green seaweeds: the bubble shaped
Boergesenia forbesii, sausage like
Neomeris sp., and blobby stuff that might be
Codium sp.
Coin-shaped hard seaweeds (
Halimeda sp.) covered large areas of the rocky shore, there were some
Avrainvillea erecta and some
Udotea sp. I looked but didn't find any of the slugs usually seen on these seaweeds.

There were a lot of this
fluffy green seaweed. I don't know what it is just yet.

There were fewer red and brown seaweeds in both variety and number of specimens. Some
fluffy pink seaweed, my first sighting of
Soliera robusta on Labrador, lots of
Eucheuma sp., one clump of
Halymenia maculata, a tiny bit of red
Halymenia and this
brown seaweed without veins.

And here's a strange organism. It's actually a symbiotic combination of an algae (
Ceratodictyon spongiosum) and a sponge (
Halichlona cymaeformis)! The algae makes up the bulk of the organism while the sponge appears to give the organism its shape and form, contributing to the formation of the tiny holes. The algae gets most of the nitrogen it needs from the sponge while the sponge benefits from the skeletal frame that the algae provides.

There were many different kinds of sponges, although the specimens were not very numerous.

Here's an encrusting sponge that I've not seen before.

Almost all the
chocolate sponges (
Spheciospongia cf.
vagabunda) had a little ball-like bit sticking out. This eventually breaks off to settle down as a new sponge. I only noticed the little feathery things sticking out of the holes in this sponge when I got home to process the photos. They are probably the feet of little barnacles.

But how are the hard corals doing? Well, I saw a few very large living hard coral colonies. They looked like survivors of all the travails that have beset this shore. There were two large
Pore corals (
Porites sp.).

And two small colonies of branching
Montipora corals (
Montipora sp.).

Several small colonies of these
Goniopora corals (
Goniopora sp.) which have tiny polyps.

Only one colony of the super tough
Zebra coral (
Oulastrea crispata).

A small colony with
neat hexagonal corallites probably Family Faviidae.

And this one with really tiny corallites.

I was heartened to see many tiny colonies of hard corals all over the shore. Many were hardly bigger than a 50cent coin. Hopefully, these will get to grow up.

Labrador is also the last mainland shore with good seagrass meadows. The seagrasses seem to be doing well in most parts, with the three major species still present:
Tape seagrass (
Enhalus acoroides),
Sickle seagrass (
Thalassia hemprichii) and
Spoon seagrass (
Halophila ovalis).

I finally managed a half-decent shot of the cross-veins on the Sickle seagrass!

In some parts, there is abundant seaweeds growing among the seagrasses.

I'm not sure what this means for the seagrasses.

One thing I didn't see much of on the shore was litter. Hurrah! In fact, I notice the high shore was very clean, with only bits that look like they washed up recently. The huge
mess of shrines at the western end of the shore is completely cleared up too.

Unfortunately the
giant concrete block that looks like the remains of the Seacil project is still there.

There also seems to be a loss of sand on the shore, from the big hole under the ramp from the seawall.

Labrador shore is severely impacted by the ongoing
massive reclamation for a new container terminal. Besides reclamation, there is also dredging and
underwater blasting nearby.

When I arrived before sunrise, the massive worksite was all lit up.

Although Shell announced that its
new Bukom refinery is fully operational, it seems that
flaring is still going on. The huge flare was visible from Labrador when I arrived.

And it was still flaring when I left after sunrise.

Let's hope that life can continue to cling on through all these works and eventually return once the work is over.