13 January 2011

Singapore's mangrove and marine life on ARKive

How delightful to see our humble mangrove-associated plant featured on ARKive!
A tough plant with delicate white flowers, Terumtum putih (Lumnitzera racemosa) is found in some of our mangroves. The photos featured on ARKive are from Pulau Ubin.

Our rare and precious Mentigi (Pemphis acidula) is also shown, including the awesome gnarled tree on Pulau Biola. This plant is Critically Endangered in Singapore and found mainly on remote offshore islands.
And here's the Cabbage coral (Trachyphyllia geoffroyi) taken at Beting Bronok, that sadly is probably no more. Also featured on ARKive is another Cabbage coral seen at Raffles Lighthouse. Singapore's reefs do shelter some rare and interesting marine life. Here's more in an earlier post.

They also have a list of species found in Singapore! The list currently has 420 species.

ARKive aims to create the ultimate multimedia guide to the world's endangered species. Believing that wildlife films and photos are vital weapons in the battle to save the world's endangered biodiversity from the brink of extinction. I was quite surprised to be invited to submit my photos to their effort.

Sir David Attenborough introduces ARKive in this video. Which I can't seem to get to play. Fortunately, there's a version on YouTube.

Share YOUR photos and let them make a difference for Singapore's biodiversity!


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