This workshop introduces you into the world of figs: their diversity, ecology and how to identify them. Learn more about the importance of plants to humans and the environment, and the art of basic plant identification. You'll also be able to to feel and touch various cut plant specimens, particularly figs!
This workshop is likely to be more useful for those who have already started guiding and who have some basic knowledge of figs or plants. The workshop is not intended to replace self-study and practical experience in the field.
Angie Ng
Angie is a retired Geography teacher with a passion for plants. She goes figging (almost) everyday and is one of the co-authors of "A Guide to the Fabulous Figs of Singapore". She is currently the chairrperson of Nature Society (Singapore)'s Plant Group.
Bian Tan
Bian graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Ornamental Horticulture and Master’s in Plant Taxonomy. He was the SEA Programme Coordinator for the Botanical Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), and assists botanical institutions with plant conservation, environmental education and the SEABG network. Prior to this, he spent almost 20 years in the USA studying and working at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens, where he pioneered the establishment of their South East Asian Cloud Forest.
More details of the event on the Leafmonkey Workshop
Please register by 12 May (Wed)
Time: 7 - 9.30pm
Venue: Civil Service College, 31 North Buona Vista Road Singapore 275983 [Map]