Repair works to sea wall at Labrador Park
from Port Marine Notice No. 01 of 2010 dated 05 Jan 2010
With effect from 25 Jan 10 to 31 Mar 10. 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. At Tanjong Berlayar and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):
The repair works will entail the removal of the damaged area and restoring the wall back to its original design. The work barge will be used for transportation of equipment and material to the work site. The barge used in the project works will be shifted by tugs operating in pusher mode. Safety boat will be in attendance at all times to warn and re-direct craft in the vicinity to keep clear of the on-going work area. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr
Wong Cheng Wee, the project manager at Tel: 9862 2635 (email: