Here's the reply ...
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Customer Name : Ms Ria Tan
Feedback Received Date : 18/06/2008
Dear Ria
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us through the Master Plan exhibition feedback channel. I'm sorry that we haven't replied to you sooner.
There are certainly many opportunities for Singaporeans to explore our own backyard, and we hope that the Leisure Plan would also encourage Singaporeans to be more aware of the diverse range of leisure activities and interesting places we have at home. Please be assured that we have not forgotten the seashores, and some of the key areas you have pointed out, such as Pulau Semakau, Southern Islands, and Chek Jawa are featured in the Leisure Plan. That said, we recognise that the Leisure Plan is not exhaustive, and it is very much part of the fun for Singaporeans to explore places that are "off the beaten track". For us and our colleagues, the trip to Cyrene Reef was a very enjoyable and informative trip, and we would like to thank you and your co-volunteers for sharing your passion and time with us.
Your views and comments on the significance of our sea shores are valuable to us as we plan the future development of island and coastal areas. Development activities along the coastal areas can't be avoided, but we hear your concerns on the impact of coastal activities on marine reefs. We have noted your concerns and will work with the relevant agencies overseeing coastal developments to ensure that appropriate mitigating measures are undertaken where possible.
Tan Wan Lin (Ms)
Executive Planner
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Your earlier feedback received on 18/06/2008 :
The Draft Master Plan 2008 does not seem to feature our natural reefs and shores. While some may say "no news is good news", I am worried that our living shores may be overlooked when land use is being considered.
I share a little more about our living shores in my full response posted on the wildfilms blog
and emailed to your general enquiry address
Here is a summary ...
Aren't all our shores reclaimed and dead?
Wild reefs bursting with life abound even in the middle of our port. Wild dolphins, sea turtles and otters are regularly spotted in our waters.
What's so special about Singapore's shores?
Uniquely Singapore! Where else in the world can a visitor quickly go from a high-level business meeting at a world class hotel to visit a living reef or mangrove? In under half an hour?
Can an ordinary person experience Singapore's marine heritage?
Yes! "No need to swim, no need to dive!" Grandmas, small kids, everyone can visit our shores on guided walks.
Do Singaporeans care about our reefs and shores?
3,500 volunteers and 100,000 visitors a year say they do!
Why should Singapore value our reefs and marine habitats?
Beyond coral-hugger arguments, protecting our shores can make Singapore Real BIG Money. Read more in the full response!
Can Singapore afford NOT to learn more about our natural shores?
With current concerns about rising sea levels, can we ignore our shores?
What are some of the threats to Singapore's reefs and shores?
We don't have to bury our shores to kill them.
Come see our shores for yourself!
I'd gladly give a talk or organise a walk for you and your colleagues. Just contact me!
More links to the URA Draft Master Plan 2008
The URA Draft Master Plan 2008 on the URA website.
Comments about the Master Plan on the wildfilms blog
- Draft Master Plan 2008 and our shores: why should I care?
- Master Plan 2008: Our Southern Islands
- Master Plan 2008: Pulau Ubin, Chek Jawa and our Northern shores
- Master Plan 2008: Labrador
- YouthInk writers share their thoughts on the URA Master Plan unveiled recently
Straits Times 2 Jun 08; - Is the URA's Leisure Plan a good idea?
Is the Urban Redevelopment Authority's Leisure Plan a good idea? What do you like most about it and what would you change or add, Business Times 2 Jun 08; - Transforming Singapore: Draft Master Plan 2008
Business Times 29 May 08 - Making of Singapore into a lively, liveable global city
URA's Master Plan looks at softer features of urban life and new needs like population growth, Joyce Teo, Straits Times 24 May 08 - Singapore: Leisure Island
NOTHING to do on the weekends in Singapore? Not if its city planners can help it. Jessica Lim, Straits Times 22 May 08;