16 August 2008

About this blog

Yes, I've finally started my own blog. Previously mooching off group blogs, it seemed time I grew up and had one of my own.

What's this blog about?

The short answer: Singapore has living reefs! Amazing marine life! Photos and stories: personal expressions of explorations and actions for our wild shores. Also sadly, some issues and threats.

Long, rambling "Is she done already?" answer: This blog will mainly be about our wild shores. Yes! Singapore has NATURAL shores that are very much alive!

Expect photos of encounters on my field trips, quick stories and usually more questions than answers. I almost always see something new on every trip!

Photos taken on these trips eventually get posted on wildsingapore flickr. The photos are sized for use in powerpoints, to help teachers, nature lovers who want to give presentations and others who just enjoy looking at our natural heritage.

Of course, also stories about the amazing people that work for our shores.

I also hope to blog on issues and events related to our shores. And other more 'scientific' and 'cheem' stuff that don't really fit into wildsingapore news.

I'm probably eventually hopefully yes definitely going to launch the wildfact sheets on the wildsingapore website in September (yes, this year). In the works for now nearly four years, these are fact sheets of all the common marine life on our beautiful shores. It's put together in a very layman fashion and I'll be imposing on all people who know better to help improve them.

The fact sheets are a precussor to the writing of the all shores guidebook, another thing I've been sitting on for the longest time.

The new guidebook will be the Chek Jawa guidebook plus, retaining the spirit of the Chek Jawa guidebook but covering all our other shores.

The Chek Jawa guidebook is now out of print. But it encapsulates so much hard work by so many people. I felt it important to repackage and continue to provide the information to all.

I hope to put up drafts of the new guidebook online for the community to comment on so that the final guidebook can represent the best of our collective wisdom and understanding of our much beloved shores.

September is the only no-low tide period in the year, so it will be a good time to get my act together. (Though I have said this many Septembers past).

Why did it take so long to start my own blog?

I got caught up late last year transferring the news and happening portion of the wildsingapore website into the wildsingapore news blog and wildsingapore happenings blog. Then I got busy with the singapore celebrates our reefs blog that celebrates International Year of the Reef 2008 and that took up a bit of time.

Meanwhile, I'd been blogging on the wildfilms blog, which is really a group blog. But lately it seems, I'm the only team member still blogging there. The others have their own personal blogs. So before the wildfilms blog = Ria's blog, I thought it best I start my own.

Hope you find the posts useful.

I would be glad for friendly and constructive discussion and sharing of ideas and information. So please do leave a comment.


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