I've tried to google for what a 'crane dance structure' is and can't seem to find something to do with construction.
Construction of Crane Dance Structure in Cruise Bay
from Port Marine Notice No. 39 of 2009 dated 30 Mar 09
With effect from 31 Mar 09 to 30 Sep 09. 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. In Cruise Bay, off Sentosa (see attached plan):
The construction entails building an independent crane dance structure in addition to the seawall and reclamation works. The crane dance structure (Point 11), is sited within the current working area for the seawall and reclamation project. Crane barges and Flat Top barges will be used for piling works and transportation of steel pipe piles and pre-cast concrete elements. The barges used in the project works will be shifted by tugs operating in pusher mode. Safety boats will be in attendance throughout the duration of the operation. For enquiries, please contact the project manager, Mr Chris Kelly at Tel: 9118 2802 (email: Chris_Kelly@macdow.com.au).