Another special event is 3 Sep (Sat): Island-A-Hand with Outward Bound Singapore. Do your part to help save Mother Earth, make new friends, explore the OBS campus/other parts of Ubin/Coney Island, and take lots of beauty nature pictures. We promise you an experience that's both rewarding and fun!
And LOTS more activities for kids and the family ...
Free activities
3 Sep (Sat): Love MacRitchie Walk by Toddycats - Venus Loop
Join the NUS Toddycats of Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum in discovering the forest! Learn about amazing plants and animals living in our backyard as part of the Love Our MacRitchie Forest movement. The MacRitchie Forest Trail at Venus Drive meanders along the banks of a crystal-clear forest stream that is full of freshwater life. Here live dragons and damsels, freshwater crabs and prawns, the Puff-faced Watersnake, Pygmy Halfbeak and Saddle Barb. Look out, too, for the Green Crested Lizard, Red-bellied Squirrel, Long-tailed Macaque, Blue-rumped Parrot and Colugo. Walk in the cool shade of old trees. Feel a kind of natural peace that only a rainforest can give.
3 Sep (Sat): Prawn and Fish Harvesting Demo at Sungei Buloh
Once again we bring you on a journey back to the past, where the history of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve as prawn and fish farms is one not to be ignored. The importance of mangroves as a spawning place and nursery for prawns and other life played an important role in shaping Sungei Buloh today. The traditional method of prawn harvesting will be demonstrated and how the tidal influence play a part in this activity will be brought to life.
3 Sep (Sat): What's in my mangrove?
Mangrove forests are living borders of the freshwater and salt water. Out of 73 true mangroves species worldwide, 22 can be found in Sungei Buloh. Join this free morning walk and get to know the mangrove trees and plants of Sungei Buloh.

3 Sep (Sat): Southern Ridges Heritage and Nature Trail
Join us on a free guided walk to discover the rich history of the Southern Ridges. The 2 hour walk will begin from Telok Blangah Hill Park, passing through Henderson Waves and ending at Faber Peak (Cable Car Station). Enjoy the spectacular views from the vantage points and encounter the variety of flora and fauna along the way.
10 Sep (Sat): I heART Nature Workshop for kids
This interactive free parent-child bonding session includes interesting art and craft activities and a short nature appreciation walk. For children ages 5 to 7. Child must be accompanied by 1 parent. Maximum 10 children.
10 Sep (Sat): Bird Watching along the Southern Ridges
Join us for this free birdwatching tour at the Southern Ridges, where up to 43 species of birds have been spotted so far. Volunteer guides from STMicroelectronics will take you through the Forest Walk and the Singing Forest in search of these beautiful birds. Do bring along a pair of binoculars or a camera with a zoom function for a better experience. Maximum group size 40 persons.
10 Sep (Sat): What's in my water?
What's that swimming in the water? A fish, a worm, an insect or a crocodile!? Join us for an interesting morning walk getting to know the creatures and plants that lives in and around the water edges of Sungei Buloh.
10 Sep (Sat): A walk with your neighbours - the macaques of MacRitchie
Learn more about your community and the interesting world of your neighbouring macaques at Macritchie during this free walk, led by experts from the Jane Goodall Institute Singapore. The long-tailed macaques are the most conspicuous animals at Macritchie Reservoir Park. Although commonly seen, they are very misunderstood. Few seeing them realise anything about the social world these monkeys live in. They have kin networks, power struggles, friends, foes, and an otherwise complex social network. In many ways, they provide a mirror of our own sociality. Suitable for adults and children above 8 years.
11 Sep (Sun): Waders Watch at Sungei Buloh
For visitors keen on learning more about identification and habits of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserves wading birds, do sign up for Waders Watch. The 90 minute workshop will begin with a short introduction to bird watching by experienced birders, before taking participants into the reserve to practice their newly-learnt skills.
MORE activities
3 Sep (Sat): Storytime with Sara @ Heritage Core: Sara Goes Back in Time -- a guided tour for kids
Sara, the Botanicosaurus, discovers a treasure chest of precious photos and items left behind by her grandmother, Nana. Each of these artefacts tells a story of the wonderful plants and people that have contributed to the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Join her as she explores the Gardens and uncover its rich heritage! Participants will go on a guided tour of the Heritage Museum and Heritage Core of the Gardens. Suitable for children in K1 – P3 levels.
7 Sep (Wed): The Invisible King of the Jungle - a drama workshop for kids
Through nature, we can learn and grow in character. The rich biodiversity in nature makes it a good teaching tool to develop children’s character through dramatisation. Children will be encouraged to care for nature and be aware of its biodiversity. In this workshop, learn the importance of honesty and reliability. Suitable for children in K1 – P6 Levels.
7 Sep (Wed): Rural Nature & Kampong Culture Walk on Pulau Ubin
Join this walk for kids by Cicada Tree Eco Place! The island of Pulau Ubin has the last of Singapore’s bygone village ‘kampong’ culture. Here you will experience a quaint kampong vibe and the laid-back lifestyle of the people living and working on their tropical island home, and see retro architecture. Much has remained unchanged and it still seems like a walk into the past, back to 1960s Singapore.
8 Sep (Thu): Alien Invaders -- Freshwater Edition, talk and guided tour for kids
Invaders alert! Did you know that not all species found in the Gardens are native? Some of these invaders cause harm to the local plants and animals who call the Gardens their home. Learn how to identify these aliens during the guided tour and help the native species protect their home. Suitable for children in P3 – P6 Levels.
8 Sep (Thu): Nature Keeper Camp for kids
Designed to stimulate the interest of the young and inculcate in them an appreciation of our forests. This one-day Nature Keeper Camp aims to nurture young minds in active protection and conservation of our natural heritage. Suitable for children 7 - 11 years old (Primary 1 to 5). Minimum of 12 children, maximum of 40 children.
9 Sep (Fri): Rainforest Life Workshop for kids
An incredible diversity of wild plants and animals are still found in Singapore’s precious rainforests. Here live colugo, mousedeer, pangolin, flying lizard, musang and many other unique critters. Giant trees grow here, with trunks that soar up through the forest canopy into the sky. Down below on the cool forest floor, critters camouflage among the leaf litter and glowing mushrooms. In this workshop led by Cicada Tree Eco Place, participants will learn about our native rainforest ecosystem, its biodiversity and the crucial services it provides for the health of our planet. Participants then go on a guided walk in the park to look for rainforest plants that have a special symbiotic relationship with forest critters.
9 Sep (Fri): Nite Critter Watch for kids at Singapore Botanic Garden
Join Cicada Tree Eco Place for this special kids' event. The Singapore Botanic Gardens is a lovely old garden created almost 200 years ago. It still retains its original primary rainforest patch. Although now totally surrounded by housing, busy roads and more development, this lush garden is home to our smaller species of wildlife. The well-vegetated ponds here are nurseries for several species of frogs; both insect and fruit eating bats roost in the palm trees; and many fruit-eating birds arrive when the fig trees are figging. The rainforest patch is home to one of our large owls, the Spotted Wood-owl. On this night walk, we will walk the easy pathways to visit the ponds and other corners of the garden to search for its nocturnal wild inhabitants.

9 Sep (Fri): Let’s Discover Plants and Animals - a guided tour for kids
Do you know that the garden is not only a home to plants, but also many fascinating animals, such as, birds, frogs, squirrels, butterflies, dragonflies, ants and earthworms? Be amazed by the many different types of animals you can find in the Singapore Botanic Gardens! Learn fascinating facts about wildlife in the Gardens and pick up tips on respecting them in nature and our environment. You may even have the chance to get up-close-and-personal with an oriental whip snake and a monitor lizard too!
Go wild on your own!
You can also explore on your own! Check out the many DIY Trail Guideson the NParks website. More about our wild places on wildsingapore. A tip to avoid the crowds on school holiday weekends, come early. That's when wildlife is more active anyway. And leave before it gets too hot.
MORE school holiday activities on the wildsingapore happenings blog.