Here's more information provided on the forum:
NUS Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research (RMBR) and Underwater World Singapore (UWS) cordially invite all participants of the 1st Multidisciplinary Forum - Turtles Towards Extinction - to attend our 2nd Multidisciplinary Forum on Turtle Conservation.
As the battle to save turtle populations involves complex issues of a global nature that can best be addressed holistically by an international multidisciplinary panel, RMBR and UWS co-organised the 1st Multidisciplinary Forum on Turtle Conservation titled “Turtles Towards Extinction: How late are we? Is it too late?” to facilitate cross-disciplinary discussions among scientists, students and conservation groups on 24 August 2010 just before the release of 8 satellite-tagged Hawksbill turtles off Big Sister’s Island. Moderated by Professor Peter Ng, RMBR Director, the panel comprised Professor Leo Tan of NUS and Honorary Member of UWS Educational Advisory Panel, international turtle experts from Japan — Dr Tomomi Saito, Chief Officer of the Turtle Breeding and Research Programme at the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium (PNPA), and USA — Dr George Balazs, Leader of Marine Turtle Research Programme (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) among others.
After months of tracking the Hawksbill turtles released on 24 August 2010, some results have emerged. RMBR and UWS are co-organising the 2nd Multidisciplinary Forum on Turtle Conservation to stimulate discussions on the way forward for turtle conservation efforts in the region.
As a participant of the 1st Multidisciplinary Forum who has witnessed the release of the satellite-tagged Hawksbill turtles, your views are important to the discussion.
Event: 2nd Multidisciplinary Forum on Turtle Conservation
Date: 19 April 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: Registration at 9.00 am
Venue: Underwater World Singapore, Sentosa
As places are limited, please RSVP by 6 April 2011 (next Wednesday) with your full name and contact number to Ms. Ho Xinjie at (65) 6279 9218 or hoxinjie@uws.hawpar.com.
Your questions and inputs are important to Turtle Conservation. Be part of a historical conservation event!
For more information, please visit: http://www.underwaterworld.com.sg/conservation.htm