13 January 2010

More dolphins heading to Singapore via Langkawi?

WChinner of Langkawi just posted on her Nature is Awesome blog about cages being set up at Awana Porto Malai, a resort there.
Photo of cages at the resort, from Nature is Awesome by WChinner.

WChinner asked around at the resort and was given to understand that the cages are "for dolphins apparently coming from America. These dolphins will be caged in the waters off Awana Porto Malai as their acclimatisation program." After which, "they will be transferred to Singapore".

Read WChinner's full post with more information in this follow up post. In particular, she observed that Resorts World Sentosa and Awana Porto Malai are both under the same umbrella ie. Genting Groups of Malaysia.

Her Nature is Awesome blog also has lots of information and lovely photos about her beautiful Langkawi mangroves and shores as well as the many issues affecting them.

This is news to me!

So far, I only know of the several wild dolphins from the Solomon Islands that were sent to the Philippines for eventual transfer to Resorts World Sentosa.

Here's some previous posts about the dolphins from the Solomon Islands

Media reports on the issue

More links