31 December 2019

Mega sightings: Nov-Dec 2019

As we end the year, here are some sightings of sea turtles shared in the last weeks of 2019! Arrow Archer shared this amazing encounter diving Pulau Hantu on 30 Nov.
A sea turtle was also seen near the Marina Barrage. While fresh dugong feeding trails are spotted at Chek Jawa's seagrass meadows!

A sea turtle was seen in the sea next to the Marina Barrage on 10 Dec. Thanks to Calvin Ng for sharing this video. He explained that the sea turtle "was sighted on the short viewing platform parallel to the barrage which is just next to the carpark."

Meanwhile, lots of dugong feeding trails were seen at Chek Jawa during a survey on 14 Dec.
Dugong feeding trail in seagrass meadows, Chek Jawa Dec 2019
Dugong feeding trails are formed when dugongs chomp up seagrasses including their roots, leaving a shallow meandering furrow of about equal width and depth. To eat seagrasses, the dugong pulls out a mouthful of seagrasses with its thick lips, shakes it to get rid of the sand and then swallows.

More about Singapore's sea turtles and dugongs on the wild fact sheets.

For more sightings of mega fauna in Singapore waters.