25 June 2024

Mass coral bleaching and dying sponges at Beting Bronok

Our annual survey to this reefy northern flat is bitter-sweet. Like visiting our favourite grandma and watching her painfully, slowly fade away. I feel privileged to have seen her at her best.
Various sponges on Beting Bronok, Jun 2024
Despite the ongoing reclamation works on Pulau Tekong nearby, and flaring at Penggerang Johor, it remains alive. Seagrasses remain abundant as much of the shore has become very soft and silty. The patch rich with delicate colourful animals is still there, but there seems to be a lot recent sponge death. Also, practically 100% of all hard corals here were bleaching. But the team saw lots of nudibranchs and other marine life. Thanks to NParks for facilitating the survey!

There is small reefy patch on Beting Bronok that I call the 'sponge garden'. 
Various sponges on Beting Bronok, Jun 2024
On the seaward side of this patch, there is still a wide variety of sponges that look healthy. But I didn't see any sea fans today.
However, most of the sponges on the higher shore seem to be dying. This seems to be a recent event, with decaying tissue (brown/grey) on otherwise brightly coloured animal. There was also a faint smell of death in the area. Seems like whatever is happening is affecting most of the different kinds of sponges.
Nevertheless, there remain lots of healthy sponges on the tiny patch in the middle of the lagoon, I sense more than in the past. But not a wide variety of them. Yellow bumpy sponges were still the most abundant kind, here and throughout Beting Bronok. 
As usual, the team make all the special finds. There were still some nudibranchs, though not as wide a variety as in the past. Huge Spangled flatworms were unusually abundant. Kelvin saw a large sole, an Estuarine moray eel and some other large fishes. We saw no sea stars and few sea cucumbers. It does appear that for today, the diversity is much reduced.
Collage of photos by the team.
Links to their albums below.
Our shores are currently also being impacted by mass coral bleaching and it was not surprising to see that Beting Bronok was not spared. One thing 'good' about coral bleaching is that all the corals become very visible. In the past, I would only see about 20 corals. Today I saw about 40!
Mass coral bleaching 2024 check on Beting Bronok, June 2024
Almost all the corals here are Boulder pore corals. Practically 100% were bleaching. I saw only 2 non-white corals. About 20% of the bleaching corals had large dead portions.
Other cnidarians can also bleach, so I looked out for those too. The most abundant cnidarian remains Button zoanthids which still cover large areas of the flat, very densely in some parts. None of them were bleaching. I saw a few small Spiky flowery soft corals, all were bleaching. I didn't see any bleaching anemones, but the team saw one bleaching Snaky anemone. They also saw cerianthids and sea pens of all kinds, none were bleaching. The stinging hydroids were lush and spiky.
Seagrasses continue to grow on large areas of the southern tip of Beting Bronok. Today, I noticed more of them in the lagoon in the middle of the reef flat. All Spoon seagrasses (with most large leaf blades but also some small) grow lush and fresh and green (no epiphytes). I have seen this since Jun 2018.
Over the years, the reefy patch on Beting Bronok seems to wax and wane. Beting Bronok remains a pale shadow of itself. This is what the shore looked like in years past...
Living shores of Beting Bronok, Jul 2023
Beting Bronok in Jul 2023.

Living shores of Beting Bronok, Jul 2022
Beting Bronok in Jul 22

Living shores of Beting Bronok, Jul 2020
Seemed to show some recovery, Jul 2020

Living shores of Beting Bronok, Jul 2019
Not very lively, Jul 2019.

Living shores of Beting Bronok, Jun 2018
Some signs of recovery in Jun 2018.

Living shores of Beting Bronok
A bit more marine life in 2017.

Growths of marine life in Jun 2016.

Mostly zoanthids only on the shore, Aug 2015
Marine life on at Beting Bronok in 2014

Marine life on Beting Bronok in 2013.

Colourful marine life at Beting Bronok in 2012.

Beting Bronok in 2012.

Here's what Beting Bronok looked like twenty years ago in 2003.
Beting Bronok in 2003.

Beting Bronok in 2003.

There used to be a wondrous variety of sea fans.
Sea fans on Beting Bronok in 2004.

Here's more old photos of marine life at Beting Bronok. Lost forever probably are the wonderful Sunflower mushroom corals and other corals that we used to see here.

Where is Beting Bronok? What is its status and future?
When the 2030 landuse plan by the Ministry of National Development was announced, it was also announced that Beting Bronok and Pulau Unum have been granted 'Nature Area' status. As I understand it, this status means the area "will be kept for as long as possible until required for development". Here's an earlier about 'Nature Area' status seem to mean.

To me, Beting Bronok seems to be in steady decline since the reclamation started at nearby Pulau Tekong. It has since also been affected by the flooding that led to mass deaths at Chek Jawa in 2007, and the coral bleaching in 2010 and a ferry ran aground on Beting Bronok in Jul 2011
Development of Pengerang Johor for a petrochemical complex that was rejected in Taiwan for environmental and health reasons can also impact Beting Bronok. Today, we started our survey before dawn. And throughout, there was massive flaring at petrochemical plants at Penggerang, Johor. This has been going on for years now.
Beting Bronok, Jun 2024
The flaring is so intense, it looks like a 'false dawn'. Real dawn on the left.
Various sponges on Beting Bronok, Jun 2024
Now, with massive reclamation at Tekong, we can only hope for the best for this wonderful reef on our Northern shore.

Photos by others on this survey

Tommy Tan

Chay Hoon

Kelvin Yong

Tommy Arden

Ng Leekiang

Muhd Nasry

Vincent Choo

Others on this survey: Ian Mun.