23 June 2023

Lively Changi in June

Various parts of Changi were surveyed during the June low spring tides, by other team members. Separately from the main surveys going on at the same time.
Photos by Loh Kok Sheng, Richard Kuah and Vincent Choo.
At Changi Loyang, the lovely coral garden there is still doing well. There are delicate sea fans, sponges, soft corals. Which shelter a sea horse and other interesting marine life. Thanks to Kok Sheng, Richard and Vincent for their photos.

At Changi Point, Marcus saw a Common sea star, which is no longer commonly seen. He also saw lots of Knobbly sea stars and other kinds of sea stars. As well as colourful sea cucumbers, flatworms, nudibranchs. Also an octopus plus many feather stars.
Photos by Marcus Ng.

At the shores immediately opposite Carpark 6, Marcus found colourful sea cucumbers, lots of pretty sea anemones, sea stars, crabs and hermit crabs.
Photos by Marcus Ng.

Links to their full album of photos are below.

What is the fate of these shores?

There doesn't seem to be a change in 2013 plans to reclaim all of Pasir Ris, all of Changi from Carpark 1 to Carpark 7 and beyond, and reclaim Chek Jawa and Pulau Sekudu. These appear to remain in place in the Long-Term Plan Review. Including plans for a road link that starts at Pasir Ris, crosses to Pulau Ubin, right across Chek Jawa to Pulau Tekong, and back to the mainland at Changi East.

See Changi shores for yourself before it's gone!

They are easy to get to, and enjoyed by many people. But it remains rich in a variety of marine life. More details in "Changi - an easy intertidal adventure for the family".

Changi Loyang (7 Jun 2023)

Loh Kok Sheng

Changi Loyang (19 Jun 2023)

Richard Kuah's  combined photos from 7 and 19 Jun

Vincent Choo

Changi Point (6 Jun 2023)

Marcus Ng

Changi Carpark 6 (20 Jun 2023)

Marcus Ng