28 February 2020

Dolphins, dugongs and sea turtles!

As reported on Mothership, on 16 Feb, Zen Freediving shared: during our open water training - visibility was decent, and we saw 3 Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins!
Also some reports of possible sightings in the past of dugongs, actual dugongs and not just the feeding trails! As well as sea turtles in the city!

More about the dolphin encounter...

A post shared by Zen Freediving (@zen.freediving) on

Yap Wai Chong shared on 28 Feb 2020 his observations in the past:

Possible sightings of dugong?

I was doing kayak fishing with friends at Pasir Ris beach last Saturday when I notice something relatively huge surfaced briefly and barely a few metres away from us, causing some disturbance on the water before diving down into the depth again. I didn't get to see the creature as a whole but just a huge oval hump of about 3-4 feet long with brownish/grey smooth skin. Also, when I was de-scaling my catch on the shore in front of Ohana Beach House, I noticed that the water is littered with shreds of seaweed which messed up my keeper net.

I recalled a similar sightings on 28 July 2018, near Pulau Sekudu, when a huge sea creature surfaced right in front of my kayak, again very briefly, before diving down to the depths. Apparently, we spooked each other at that moment. I have numerous sightings of sea otters during my kayaking expeditions and I am very sure that these 2 sightings looked very different from the otters. While I suspect that they could be dugongs, I do not have much information to proof. But after reading a blog from Ria Tan in 2017, I think things start to make more sense. Does anyone have similar experiences to share?

Nathaniel Soon of Our Seas Our Legacy shared this sighting of a juvenile sea turtle while he was documenting the marine life at Marina at Keppel Bay in Sep-Nov 2019. See his awesome video of the marine life in the Marina here.

More about Singapore's dolphinsdugongs and  sea turtles on the wild fact sheets.

For more sightings of mega fauna in Singapore waters.