05 August 2019

Fish Expedition Day 5 - Chek Jawa on super sampan

The Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019 goes to Chek Jawa this morning.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Chek Jawa among Singapore's last intact intertidal flats with mangroves, sandy shores, seagrass meadows and more. Thus, not surprisingly, we find a lot of fishes. Yesterday, the anglers were sampling at Bedok Jetty. They not only got nice fishes but also saw a sea turtle!

For the first time in the Expedition, we have an amphibious landing by bumboat and sampan. On the way, in the dark, fishes were jumping in the water and some jumped into the sampan!
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
After a brief sampling before sunrise, we started using the 30m net at sunrise. Here's a short video clip of our sampling trip with an exciting ride back on the super sampan!
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Netting requires team work. With some laying and pulling in the nets
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
And a team to help quickly pick out the fishes from the net and safely keep them so that they can be brought to the museum in the best possible condition. Bravo to everyone!
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
After the field trip, we have to wash up the huge net. We also wash fellow team members in the process.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Back at the lab, our sampling today is scrutinised by the experts. They seemed pleased with our catch.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Here's one important way specimens in the fish library are 'read' by scientists. The guts of some of the fishes we collect will be closely studied to better understand the microbes that affect fish health in our waters. This can provide important information for our local aquaculture industry. We cannot gather this information without killing fish. There are many other kinds of information that a fish specimen can provide to scientists. Properly preserved in a library, this information is available for many years to come.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Experts of important fishes like sardines and anchovies have generously joined the Expedition. They  study and share with us the different species found in our waters. These tiny fishes are important as the base of the food chain that supports healthy marine life and clean waters.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Yesterday, the anglers were hard at work sampling at Bedok Jetty. It takes expertise and experience to gather fish samples through angling and we are glad the Marine Stewards Singapore members have stepped up to support the building of a Singapore fish library! Here's some photos they shared of their work yesterday.
Wow, the Marine Stewards Singapore team also saw a sea turtle while working at Bedok Jetty!
Diving also continues to sample fishes that can't be obtained through angling and intertidal work. Tomorrow, another morning survey at St John's Island!

More about the Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019 with daily and other updates are posted here.