11 August 2019

Fish Expedition Day 11 - Last surveys!

The last surveys happen today! At Pulau Hantu by the intertidal team and the dive team.
Photo by Dr Zeehan Jaafar.
Last night, the divers did a very strenuous night dive. And Jahson shared about a sea turtle seen at an earlier dive! Although we are tired, we are sad that the Expedition is coming to an end. The Expedition leads surprise everyone with lovely thank you gifts.

Thanks to Jahson for this wonderful photo of a sea turtle that the divers encountered at an earlier dive!
Photo by Jahson Berhane Alemu I
The divers also encountered this huge lobster!
Photo by Jahson Berhane Alemu I
Last night too, thanks to the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, the scientists sampled the waters in the Club.
Photo by Toh Chay Hoon.
Interesting fishes are found everywhere in Singapore waters!
Photos by Toh Chay Hoon.
Early this morning, the intertidal team headed out to sample Pulau Hantu at high tide. Although these shores lie opposite the petrochemical plants on Pulau Bukom, there are corals, mangroves and amazing marine life here.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Photo by Liz Lim.

Here's a video of the team netting, thanks to Liz Lim.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Video by Liz Lim.

Abandoned wires and hooks caught in the net can be dangerous and have to be carefully removed.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Photo by Liz Lim.

I met them as they returned to the Sentosa marine One Degree Fifteen at the end of the survey, as they unloaded the huge pile of equipment from the boat.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
There is a lot of gear, which has to be loaded up into the small truck in a particular order so that they all fit securely.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Back at the Museum, we give the trusty net a good washing as it is the last time we will be using it for a while.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Back at the lab, they were processing the fishes found by the dive team last night.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
The volunteers help to prepare these fishes for professional photography, by carefully ensuring that all the fish features are well displayed.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Taking photos of large fishes often means having to get a tall vantage point.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
The intertidal team, as usual, gets a lot of fishes. Which have to be meticulously counted.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
The dive team return from their morning dive! With more fishes, all very interesting.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
Lots of work for everyone to process the finds.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
We are touched by the surprise special thank you gift presented by the Expedition leads.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
A book of 200: a natural history, the current exhibition to celebrate the Bicentennial at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum.
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
The exhibition and book highlights 200 significant natural history events in the island’s past. These interweaving, and sometimes quirky, threads of animals, plants, events, places and people have played an important role in shaping the country’s natural heritage. We will treasure the book and the memories of the Expedition!
Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019
The core team gather for a special dinner to celebrate the end of sampling surveys for the Expedition!
Photo by Rene Ong
Tomorrow is the very last day of the Expedition!

More about the Singapore Marine Fishes Expedition 2019 with daily and other updates are posted here.