26 May 2018

New children's books on Singapore's seagrasses and corals!

Thanks to Tan Sijie and his awesome students from the Raffles Ecological Literacy programme, I had a great time at the launch of more children's books written by the students. At the magical Children's section of the National Library.
Launch of Raffles Ecolit children's books
The students had written and illustrated the books specially for the International Year of the Reef 2018. Choosing to feature two of Singapore's important marine habitats - the reef and the seagrass.
Launch of Raffles Ecolit children's books

One book follows the adventures of Doo the Dugong, Ollie the Octopus in the seagrass meadows.
Launch of Raffles Ecolit children's books
While the other book follows Cory the coral spat's journey among the reefs and mangroves. The two books are aimed at spreading awareness of our rich natural heritage among the younger generation through an engaging story.
Launch of Raffles Ecolit children's books
I was fascinated by the students' sharing of how they came up with their stories, and their hard work putting the books together. But the highlight of the launch was the storytelling by the students.
Launch of Raffles Ecolit children's books
All the kids and young-at-heart totally enjoyed the story telling.
Launch of Raffles Ecolit children's books
I feel privileged to have been a part of the authors' journey. I had a great time exploring Berlayar Creek to Marina at Keppel Bay with them. So they could see  how the different marine ecosytems are interconnected.
Raffles Eco-Lit Programme at Marina at Keppel Bay
From the mangroves at Berlayar Creek to the reefs growing on the artificial pontoons of Marina at Keppel Bay.
Tour of corals at Marina at Keppel Bay
Dr Siti Maryam Yaacub also mentored the students doing the seagrass book.
Launch of Raffles Ecolit children's books
The two new titles join the past 15 titles written about Singapore native wildlife life for Singapore's children. Bravo!

Don't worry if you missed this. Here's upcoming opportunities for you to catch the books and story telling sessions!

3 Jun (Sun) 12noon - 2pm at the Festival of Biodiversity near Tampines MRT. FREE, no registration required. Enjoy a repeat of the awesome storytelling!

10 Jun (Sun) 10am-3pm at the Chek Jawa Open House, FREE, no registration required. All current and past children's books will be given as prizes during fun family activities.

13 Jun (Wed) 7pm - 9 pm during Seagrass Talks at University Town, NUS, FREE, register here. Books will be available for sale.