25 May 2018

10 Jun (Sun): FREE Chek Jawa Open House

Specially for Pesta Ubin. FREE, no registration required, just come to Chek Jawa!
Balik Chek Jawa for Pesta Ubin 2017
Volunteers who love Chek Jawa ready to share with you!
Volunteer guides will be stationed all over the boardwalk to share about Chek Jawa's amazing wildlife.

Wild boar crossing! Getting close to nature at the Chek Jawa Boardwalk
Close encounters with wild life, if we show respect. 
Spot monkeys to wild boar, birds to butterflies, crabs to mudskippers, and fascinating plants of the mangroves and shores, some of which are rare elsewhere. If we are lucky we may encounter otters or even a dugong.
Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
Spectacular views from Jejawi Tower.
TeamSeagrass at Balik Chek Jawa for Pesta Ubin 2017
Learn about seagrass meadows from TeamSeaGrass
Restore Ubin Mangroves (R.U.M.) Initiative at Balik Chek Jawa for Pesta Ubin 2017
Fun activities for kids and the family.

Win prizes! 

Choose from 17 children's books written specially for Singapore's kids about Singapore's wildlife by students of the Raffles Ecological Literacy Programme.
Books from the Raffles Ecological Literacy Programme
Win prizes!
This activity is offered by the Chek Jawa community, led by the Naked Hermit Crabs with friends of Chek Jawa like NParks Chek Jawa volunteers, Restore Ubin Mangroves (R.U.M) Initiative and Toddycats. (There will be NO activities on the seashores).

Date: 10 Jun (Sun)
Time: 10am - 3pm
Meeting point: Chek Jawa Info Kiosk, 3.3km away from Ubin Jetty (map). About 1.5-2 hour walk, 15-min van ride. More on how to get to Chek Jawa.

No charge, the activity is free!
No registration required, simply come to Chek Jawa.

Some Frequently Asked Questions on Chek Jawa

Can we go to Chek Jawa at other times?

Yes, you can visit Chek Jawa every day from 8.30am to 6pm. Admission is free. Just come explore the boardwalk and Visitor Centre on your own, free and easy, no guides necessary. More details on the NParks website and wildsingapore website.

Are there guided tours to Chek Jawa at other times?

NParks conducts guided tours on the sea shore (called intertidal walks) all year round when the tides are suitably low. There are charges and registration is required. More on the NParks website.

The Naked Hermit Crabs conducts free guided walks at Chek Jawa every month for families and kids. These are on the boardwalk and do not go down to the sea shore. The walk is free, but registration is required. More on the Naked Hermit Crabs blog.

So how is Balik Chek Jawa different?

Once a year, and only once a year, during Pesta Ubin, volunteers from several groups come together to offer a Chek Jawa Open House. Volunteers will be stationed all over the boardwalk. There will be activities for kids. Free, no registration required, simply come to Chek Jawa!

See you at Balik Chek Jawa!