24 March 2017

Share your bamboo shark sightings in Singapore

Singapore GOT sharks! Bamboosharks in Singapore are classified as “Near Threatened” with concern that fishing pressure and habitat degradation may push them towards Vulnerable status. Basic information on the biology of these small sharks is lacking.
Longtail carpet shark, Bamboo shark
If you saw a bamboo shark, please share your sighting here for Dr Neil Hutchinson's effort. "The data you provide will be used to develop future studies using acoustic tracking to examine movement patterns and habitat use in sharks around Singapore."

Here's more about Singapore's  bamboo sharks...

This is what a baby bamboo shark looks like, seen at Beting Bronok, photo shared by Toh Chay Hoon.
Here's a bamboo shark seen at Cyrene Reef, photo shared by Ivan Kwan.
Bamboo shark
Pulau Hantu is a great place to spot bamboo sharks. Sadly, these sharks are among those fished in our waters.
A fisherman's catch: Oriental sweetlips, Bamboo sharks

So do share your sighting if you spot a bamboo shark in Singapore waters!