19 March 2017

25 Mar (Sat): Talk on "Secret Shores of Singapore" by Ria Tan

This Saturday, I will share about Singapore's shores and how our photos can make a difference for them! The talk is free, please come!
Living reefs of Cyrene at sunrise
The amazing seagrass meadows  and reefs of Cyrene
in the world's busiest port: YES! Singapore got marine life!
Today, I received copies of the lovely Marine Picto Life guide to western tropical pacific marine life! I'm constantly amazed how my humble photos can be useful to marine conservation.

No need to swim, no need to dive! Ordinary people can experience much of Singapore's amazing marine life on the intertidal shore. Wild dolphins, sea turtles, Nemos, sea snakes and more. With stunning views of coral reefs, soaring coastal cliffs, lush seagrass meadows. From accessible shores like Sentosa, Changi and East Coast Park, to our many huge submerged reefs. I will share stories of adventures on our living shores. And how you too can make a difference for them with your photos.
I am touched that the Nature Photographic Society of Singapore (NPSS) would invite me to speak about our shores even though I'm a terrible photographer. I'm also quite nervous and awed to share the afternoon with William Tan (clearly a Real Photographer).

The talk is on 25 Mar (Sat), 2-5pm, Canon Office, 1 Fusionopolis Place, Galaxis, Level 14 Singapore 138522. The talk is free but registration is required. More details on the NPSS website.

Coincidentally, thanks to Antoine, I received 5 copies of this wonderful waterproof guide of typical tropical marine life. Packed in this booklet is everything you need to know about the animal and plant, from its habitat, size to its symbionts and associates and whether it is dangerous.
My humble contributions include the Estuarine seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) which is described from Singapore, so it's appropriate to have our very own seahorse represented.
Also the psychedelic poke-your-eye Sea Apple sea cucumber (Pseudocolochirus violaceus), which is amazingly sometimes abundant on Changi shores.
Also, the boldly patterned  Clear sundial snail (Architectonica perspectiva) which is sometimes seen on our Southern shores.
And the abundant Chocolate sponge (Spheciospongia cf. vagabunda) which dots many of our Southern reef flats near seagrass meadows.
My photos are not the best. But I share them widely, primarily via wildsingapore flickr where most most people seem find them. Hopefully, in this way, I can support good marine conservation efforts like those of PictoLife.

Come for the talk this Saturday so we can share more ideas about how our photos can help marine conservation!

Here's more  about what I shared the last time I spoke at NPSS four years ago.