14 March 2011

Next to Labrador: Massive reclamation plus underwater blasting

The massive reclamation at Pasir Panjang continues. This huge site is next to Labrador's shores, near Sentosa's natural shores and close to Cyrene Reef.

Dredging and reclamation works lead to high levels of sediments and thus murky waters. Like haze in the air, this 'cloudy' water is not good for our marine life.

Where does the sand for the reclamation come from?

It is dredged from the East Coast. I just found out the extent of the dredging sites there, where dredging goes on 24/7 for it seems a long time, and a long time to come. Here's more about the adverse impact of dredging.

Here's a view of the work site in Dec 2010.

Reclamation at Pasir Panjang container terminal
And of the huge piles of sand used in the massive project, taken in Jul 2010.

Reclamation at Pasir Panjang container terminal
The work site is near the natural shores at Labrador and Sentosa. This photo is from the table top model at the URA Master Plan exhibition.The project is so large that it is likely to impact Cyrene Reefs as well.The work site (in green) in relation to Cyrene Reefs (highlighted in yellow).

Dredging and Dumping at Pasir Panjang Terminal Project

from Port Marine Notice No. 23 OF 2011 dated 11 Mar 2011

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 119 of 2010. The working area at PPT has been revised and working period has been extended.

With effect from 11 Mar 2011 to 10 Sep 2011. Dredging at Areas 1 and G4, Eastern part of Singapore, within working areas bounded by the following co-ordinates (please see Notice to Mariners – 62T/2010 and 91T/2010 respectively)

The reclamation works will involve dredging by Queen of Penta Ocean (TSHD) at Areas 1 and G4. Areas 1 and G4 extend from the Singapore Port Limit into the westbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) within the Singapore Strait. All dredged materials will be dumped at Pasir Panjang Terminal project area (See attached plan).
24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays.

Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr. A. Kitagawa, the project manager at Tel No: 8428 1216 (email: a.kitagawa@mypenta.net).

Underwater drilling and blasting works at Pasir Panjang Fairway
from Port Marine Notice No. 18 of 2011 dated 1 Mar 2011

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 102 of 2010. The working area has been revised and the working period has been extended.

With effect from 01 Mar 2011 to 31 Aug 2011. Drilling will be carried out 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. At Pasir Panjang Fairway and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):
Blasting works will only be carried out at one of the working areas at any one time. Blasting will not be carried out on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Leonard Ching, the project manager at Tel: 9068 7174(email: leonardching@mypenta.net).

Reclamation at Pasir Panjang Terminal and Pasir Panjang Wharves

from Port Marine Notice NO. 43 of 2011 dated 08 Apr 2011

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 05 of 2011. The working areas and the working period have been revised.

With effect from 11 Apr 2011 to 10 Oct 2011. 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. In the vicinity of Pasir Panjang Terminal and Pasir Panjang Wharves (see at attached chartlet):

Works will include reclamation, dredging, soil investigation, caisson construction, demolition of the de-commissioned Pasir Panjang wharves and removal of submarine cables and pipelines. Dredging works will be carried out by dredgers attended to by tug boats. Safety boats will be deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn other craft and vessels of the project works. Further general enquiries can be directed to Mr. Kitagawa, the project coordinator, at Tel No: 8428 1216 (email: kitagawa@mypenta.net).

Dredging and Dumping at Pasir Panjang Terminal Project

from Port Marine Notice NO. 49 OF 2011 dated 21 Apr 2011

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 23 of 2011. The working period has been extended.

With effect from 22 Apr 2011 to 21 Oct 2011. 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. Areas 1 and G4, Eastern part of Singapore, within working areas bounded by the following co-ordinates (please see Notice to Mariners – 62T/2010 and 91T/2010 respectively)

The reclamation works will involve dredging by “Andromeda V” (TSHD) at Areas 1 and G4. Areas 1 and G4 extend from the Singapore Port Limit into the westbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) within the Singapore Strait. All dredged materials will be dumped at Pasir Panjang Terminal project area (See attached plan). Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr. A. Kitagawa, the project manager at Tel No: 8428 1216 (email: a.kitagawa@mypenta.net).

Underwater drilling and blasting works at Pasir Panjang Fairway

from Port Marine Notice NO. 46 of 2011 dated 18 Apr 2011

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 18 of 2011. The working area and the working period have been revised. With effect from 18 Apr 2011 to 17 Oct 2011. Pasir Panjang Fairway and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):

Drilling will be carried out 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. Blasting works will only be carried out at one of the working areas at any one time. Blasting will not be carried out on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Underwater drilling and blasting works will be carried out by work barge “Orion 84” which will be held in position by 6 anchors. The following safety procedures and warning signals will be adopted for each blasting operation:

(a) All personnel will be evacuated from the danger zone prior to the

blasting operations;

(b) Armed Protection Officers (APOs) in craft / safety boats will cordon off the working area 30 minutes before the blasting operations;

(c) “Pasir Panjang Control” will issue navigational warning on VHF Ch 25;

(d) Two (2) prolong blasts on the whistle will be sounded 15 minutes before the blasting, to ensure all divers and ships stay clear from the blasting area;

(e) Red flags and warning signs “Blasting in progress” will be erected to warn mariners 5 minutes prior to the blasting operations;

(f) Three (3) short blasts on the whistle will be sounded 5 minutes before the commencement of the blasting operations;

(g) At the point of blasting, four (4) short blasts will be sounded on the whistle with blasting initiated on the 4th short blast; and

(h) One (1) prolonged blast will be sounded on the whistle after the completion of each blasting operation and red flag lowered. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Leonard Ching, the project manager at Tel: 9068 7174(email: leonardching@mypenta.net).

Underwater Drilling and Blasting Works at Pasir Panjang Fairway

from Port Marine Notice No. 81 of 2011 dated 11 Jul 2011
This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 46 of 2011. The working area and the period have been revised.

With effect from 11 Jul 2011 to 10 Jan 2012. Pasir Panjang Fairway and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):

Blasting works will only be carried out at one of the working areas at any one time.

For working areas 1, Drilling will be carried out 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. For Working Area 2, Blasting and drilling work will be carried out when wharf mark 1140 and beyond is clear and throughout the entire duration of the drilling and blasting work.

Underwater drilling and blasting works will be carried out by work barge “Orion 84” which will be held in position by 6 anchors. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr R.Toyoda, the project manager at Tel: 6467 8823 (email: r.toyoda@mypenta.net).

Underwater drilling and blasting works at Pasir Panjang Fairway
from Port Marine Notice No. 94 of 2011 dated 26 Jul 2011
This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 81 of 2011. The working area has been revised and the working period has been revised.

With effect from 27 Jul 2011 to 26 Jan 2012. Pasir Panjang Fairway and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):

Blasting works will only be carried out at one of the working areas at any one time. For working areas 1 and 3, Drilling will be carried out 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. For Working Area 2, Blasting and drilling work will be carried out when wharf mark 1186 and beyond is clear and throughout the entire duration of the drilling and blasting work.

Underwater drilling and blasting works will be carried out by work barge “Orion 84” which will be held in position by 6 anchors. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr R.Toyoda, the project manager at Tel: 6467 8823 (email: r.toyoda@mypenta.net).

Underwater drilling and blasting works at Pasir Panjang Fairway
From Port Marine Notice No. 108 of 2011 dated 25 Aug 2011

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 94 of 2011. The working areas and the working period have been revised.

With effect from 25 Aug 2011 to 24 Feb 2012. Pasir Panjang Fairway and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):

Drillingwill be carried out 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays at the working areas 1, 2 and 3.

Blasting works will only be carried out at one of the working areas at any one time. Blasting will be carried out on weekdays only. There will be no blasting on Sundays and Public Holidays. For Working Area 2, blasting work will be carried out when wharf mark 1186 and beyond is clear and during any of the 3 periods mentioned above. For Working Area 3, blasting work will be carried out when wharf mark 1100 and beyond is clear and during any of the 3 periods mentioned above.

Underwater drilling and blasting works will be carried out by work barge “Orion 84” which will be held in position by 6 anchors. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr R.Toyoda, the project manager at Tel: 6467 8823 (email: r.toyoda@mypenta.net).

Dredging and dumping at Pasir Panjang Terminal Project
from Port Marine Notice No. 136 of 2011 dated 04 Oct 2011
This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 49 of 2011. The working period has been extended. With effect from 22 Oct 2011 to 21 Apr 2012. Areas 1 and G4, Eastern part of Singapore, within working areas bounded by the following co-ordinates (please see Notice to Mariners – 62T/2011 and 91T/2010 respectively)
The reclamation works will involve dredging by “Andromeda V” (TSHD) at Areas 1 and G4. Areas 1 and G4 extend from the Singapore Port Limit into the westbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) within the Singapore Strait. All dredged materials will be dumped at Pasir Panjang Terminal project area (See attached plan). Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr. A. Kitagawa, the project manager at Tel No: 8428 1216 (email: a.kitagawa@mypenta.net).

Installataion of silt barricade off Pasir Panjang Ferry Terminal
from Port Marine Notice No. 131 of 2011 dated 29 Sep 2011

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 136 of 2011. The working period has been extended. With effect from 08 Oct 11 to 07 Apr 12. 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. Pasir Panjang Ferry Terminal and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):

Silt barricade and anchor blocks will be installed by the crane barge in the working area. A safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn other craft of the project work. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr JH Kim, the project manager at Tel: 9729 3453 (email: jhkim07@hdec.co.kr).