What is dredging and what are the environmental impacts? More in this older post. Here's maps from MPA's Notice to Mariners about the extent of the dredging.
From Notice to Mariners (NM 8T/2011) in Notices to Mariners No. 1 to 16 dated 1 Jan 2011
NM 7T/2011: Dredging in the West Bound Lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme in the Singapore Straits

NM 8T/2011 Dredging South of the Singapore Port Limit and in the West Bound Lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme in the Singapore Strait

NM 9T/2011: Dredging in the West Bound Lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme in the Singapore Straits

Dredging at these sites seem to be going on all the time. Here's more from an older Notice issued last year.
From Notice to Mariners (NM 7T/2011) in Notices to Mariners No. 52 to 66 dated 1 Jul 2010
NM 61T/2010: Dredging in the West Bound Lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme in the Singapore Straits

This is a repetition of Notice No. 4T/2010. With effect from Dec 2009 until Nov 2011 (24 months). Duration 24 hours a day, seven days a week with effect from Dec 2009.
NM 62T/2010: Dredging South of the Singapore Port Limit and in the West Bound Lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme in the Singapore Strait