20 November 2009

Soil investigation works near Pulau Jong until Jan 10

Pulau Sebarok is our Port's 'petrol station' with major bunkering facilities. It lies just off Pulau Jong, which is among our last untouched Southern Islands.
The red marks indicate the planned soil investigation area. Are there plans to build something here? Will this affect the marine life on Pulau Jong?

Here's a view of Pulau Jong with Pulau Sebarok in the background.
Pulau Sebarok from Pulau Jong
Among the special marine life there is a Giant clam (Tridacna maxima) that may be the last of its kind in our waters. Below is a wider view of the wild Pulau Jong, behind it the bunkering facilities on Pulau Sebarok.
Pulau Jong and Pulau Sebarok

More about Pulau Jong and Pulau Sebarok
Soil Investigation Works off Pulau Sebarok
from Port Marine Notice No. 168 of 2009 dated 19 Nov 09

With effect from 23 Nov 2009 to 31 Jan 2010. Pulau Sebarok and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):

Soil investigation works will be carried out by means of sinking boreholes. Drilling will be carried out from the Jack-up platform “S F 2”. The Jack-up platform, with safety boats in attendance, will have a circular safety working area of 30 meters radius centered at the platform. A tugboat will be used for shifting the barge from one borehole location to another. Safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn other craft of the project work. Further enquires relating to the project can be directed to Mr John Chai, the operation manager at Tel: 8223 2929 (email: kse2000@singnet.com.sg).