20 November 2009

Fireworks and more coastal works at Sentosa

Works on near Sentosa's natural underwater world will go on until Jun 10.
Reclamation at Sentosa for the Integrated Resort
Here's some of us checking out the seagrasses and other natural parts of the affected shores earlier this month.

In addition, a fireworks display is planned for this area in December. Fireworks involve the use of chemicals which can have an impact on water quality.

Pyrotechnics display at Vivocity Waterfront
from Port Marine Notice No. 169 of 2009 dated 19 Nov 09.
Date & Time : 2 December 2009
Display period : 2100 hours to 2120 hours.
Alternate period : 2200 hours to 2220 hours. (In case earlier period cannot be adhered due to bad weather) In the event of cancellation on 2 December 2009, the fireworks display will be postponed to 3 December 2009. There will be no change in the display period.

Location : VivoCity Waterfront (see attached plan):

Fireworks display will take place at VivoCity waterfront area in Cruise Bay from the anchored barge. A circular safety zone of 180-metre radius centered at the barge will be enforced 30 minutes prior to and after the display. Safety boats will cordon off the safety zone. The event will conclude no later than 2140 hours or 2240 hours depending on
the display period for the scheduled day. Further general enquiries related to the display can be directed to Mr Suppiah, the display co-ordinator, at Tel: 9040 5242, email: suppiah@effectstechnologies.com.sg

Temporary Staging Ground at Sentosa
from Port Marine Notice No. 167 of 2009 dated 17 Nov 09
This is an extension of PMN No. 66 of 2009. The working period has been extended.

With effect from 12 Dec 2009 to 11 Jun 2010. 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. At Cruise Bay, (see attached chartlet):

Project work will entail the transportation of excavated earth by tugs and barges. A safety boat/tug boat will be deployed in the vicinity to warn other craft to keep clear of operation site and to assist the mooring and unmooring operation of barges at the temporary staging ground. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr David Ching, the project manager at Tel: 9186 1366 (email: david.ching@kajima.com.sg).

Temporary Staging Ground at Sentosa
from Port Marine Notice No. 157 of 2010 dated 9 Dec 2010
This is an extension of PMN No. 66 of 2010. The working period has been extended.

With effect from 12 Dec 2010 to 11 Jun 2011. 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. At Cruise Bay (same as above):

Project work will entail the transportation of excavated earth by tugs and barges. A safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity to warn other craft to keep clear of operation site and to assist the mooring and unmooring operation of barges at the temporary staging ground. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Lua King Siu, the project manager at Tel: 9837 8023 (email: kslau@sembawangenc.com).

Temporary Staging Ground at Sentosa
from Port Marine Notice No. 71 of 2011 dated 9 Jun 2011

This is an extension of PMN No. 157 of 2010. The working period has been extended.

With effect from 12 Jun 2011 to 11 Dec 2011. 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. At Cruise Bay (same as above):

Project work will entail the transportation of excavated earth by tugs and barges.
A safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity to warn other craft to keep clear of operation site and to assist the mooring and unmooring operation of barges at the temporary staging ground. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Lua King Siu, the project manager at Tel: 9837 8023 (email: kslau@sembawangenc.com).