29 July 2009

Your help needed for question on durians on Pulau Ubin

I'm not a big fan of durians. Actually, I can't stand them. So I'm totally clueless about durian seasons and such. However, I just received a really delightful email from a durian-would-be-fan from Tokyo who asks if durians and mangosteens will be in season at Pulau Ubin in December. (I know they are usually fruiting at the same time, but will they in December?)

Would any of you know? Please leave a comment. (Sorry the comments are moderated, I'll clear them as fast as I can).

Thank you!
Photo from judelittle.com

Here's the email from Tokyo...

Dear WildSingapore,

This December I'll visit Singapore with my family.
It will be our 2nd visit Singapore.
1st is 25 years before! Our 1st Durian was not tasty...
But I found information about Durian that "Wild Durian at Ubin Island is very nice".
That's the way, I'm interested in Ubin Island. And December is minor season of Durian.
How about Mangostin? We love Mangostin.
If we'll enjoy fine Durian & Mangostin at Ubin Island in December, it's so nice for us!
Would you tell me that "We'll enjoy Ubin Island's Mangostin in December?".

I'm waiting for your reply.
Best regards,

KUWAKUBO Megumi from Tokyo