29 July 2009

Our mangrove tree-dwelling crab: a presentation

The pretty green-eyed mangrove tree-dwelling crab (Selatium brocki) is often overlooked. Indeed "it has not received much attention beyond its description. Most people have never heard of it, even those who live with it on their shores."
Mangrove tree-dwelling crab (Selatium brockii)
There crabs live in trees on the sandbank areas of Singapore mangroves, feeding off algae at night and hiding during the day. Here's a mama with eggs under her belly.
Mangrove tree-dwelling crab (Selatium brockii)
Want to find out more about them? Come for Ben Godsall's presentation on “Preliminary insights into the behaviour of the mangrove tree-dwelling crab, Selatium brockii.”

His current study examined the contest behaviour of Selatium on the vertical axis, contrary to common competition experiments performed on flat ground. The preliminary results are presented along with ideas for future research projects and the need for conservation efforts at Mandai mangroves.

More on the Biodiversity Crew @ NUS blog.

Date: 31 Jul (Fri)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Seminar Room 2, Block S2, Level 4, Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore.