13 July 2009

'Beach improvement' on East Coast Park nears completion

Infrastructural improvements include converting bare spots on the coastline into sandy beach, the upgrading of Bedok Jetty and park amenities, and the relocating of boat storage areas.
The major sprucing up of the 35-year-old East Coast Park began in 2005. The National Parks Board (NParks), with a $160 million budget, divided its 185ha into several zones for various groups of users of the park, such as families, diners and sports enthusiasts.

What's next in the upgrading programme?

The conversion of a former golf driving range into an open field, expected to be completed by the end of the year.

NParks' director of parks Kong Yit San said the next round of improvement works is slated for 2015.

These upgrading efforts will ensure that the park keeps its position as a top lifestyle destination for Singaporeans and tourists alike.

Mr Kong said: 'The vision for East Coast Park is that at the end of the day, when people think of recreation...outdoor active sports or wellness, they will think of East Coast Park.

'And when they come here, they will have a nice space to really pursue their sporting lifestyle.'

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