16 April 2009

Reclamation at Pulau Tekong: marine soil investigation

Marine soil investigation will be carried on the northern coast of Pulau Tekong from now until Jun 09.

Meanwhile, reclamation on the western coast of Pulau Tekong opposite Chek Jawa has been on going.

Marine Soil Investigation and Hydrographic Survey at Pulau Tekong
from Port Marine Notice No. 44 of 2009 dated 15 Apr 09

With effect from 17 Apr 09 to 06 June 09. 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. Off Pulau Tekong (see attached plan):

Soil investigation work will be carried out by means of sinking boreholes (BH). Drilling will be carried out from the jack-up barge “DP1”, held in position by 4 jack up legs. The jack-up barge, with work boat and tug boats in attendance, will have a circular safety working zone of 200 meters radius centered at the barge. Tugboats will be used for shifting the barge from one borehole location to another and will move into site during high tide to ensure the depth of water is enough for movement. A safety boat will be deployed to warn other vessels to keep clear of the barge for the whole duration of the works. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Moe Ko Ko, the project co-ordinator, at Tel: 8102 3024 (email: moeko@sf.com.sg).