26 March 2009

Extensive marine soil investigation off the East Coast until Sep 09

From the Marina Barrage to the Big Splash/Road Safety Park, marine soil investigation is taking place along the East Coast, from near shore to quite a distance away.

The area affected seems to be too large to be related solely to the construction of the Marina Coastal Expressway. The MCE actually loops almost immediately back onto land after briefly skimming the sea next to the Marina Barrage.
Proposed Marina Coastal Expressway, from the LTA website.

Could this be the first signs of a 'Long Island' reclamation in front of the East Coast?

Marine Soil Investigation off Marina East
from Port Marine Notice No. 37 of 2009 dated 24 Mar 09

With effect from 26 Mar 09 to 30 Sep 09, 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. Off Marina East, in the attached plans.

Sector A 26 Mar 09 to 02 Jun 09
Sector B 03 Jun 09 to 04 Aug 09
Sector C 05 Aug 09 to 30 Sep 09
Sector D 07 Apr 09 to 28 Sep 09
Note: Working schedule may be subject to changes.

Soil Investigation by means of Borehole Drilling (BH) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) will be carried out using a jack-up barge. Jack-up barge “SIPL 1” will be held in position by four (4) jack-up legs. The safety zone is a circular area with a 30-metre radius centred at the location of the jack-up barge. Tug boats will be used to shift the jack-up barge from one location to another. Safety boat will be in attendance at all times to warn the traffic. For general enquiries, please contact, Mr Kyaw Win Khaing, the project manager, at Tel: 9481 1101 (email: kwkhaing@soilinvestigation.com.sg).

Click on image for enlarged view

Posts related to the Marina Coastal Expressway

Posts related to 'Long Island' reclamation