27 May 2023

18 Jun (Sun): FREE walk at Chek Jawa

Once a year, and only once a year, during Pesta Ubin, volunteers from several groups come together to offer a Chek Jawa Open House. Volunteers will be stationed all over the boardwalk. There will be activities for kids.
Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
This activity is offered by the Chek Jawa community, led by the Naked Hermit Crabs with friends of Chek Jawa like NParks Chek Jawa volunteers and TeamSeaGrass. (There will be NO activities on the seashores or intertidal areas).

Date: 18 Jun 2023 (Sun)
Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Venue: Chek Jawa Wetlands
No registration required, simply just turn up at Chek Jawa. This activity is free-of-charge.

More details