24 September 2020

Kusu Island pilgrimage 17 Oct to 19 Nov 2020

Due to COVID, only 500 people will be allowed per day during the annual Kusu Pilgrimage from 17 Oct to 19 Nov 2020.  Ferry services will continue to St John's Island during the period. But expect delays due to crowd control measures at Marine South Pier. Parking at the Pier is likely to be limited.
Reefs near the temple at Kusu Island
Check out Jerome Lim's awesome blog post for a glimpse into the history behind Kusu Island and the pilgrimage.

From SLA press release 23 Sep 2020

Going to Kusu Island

To visit Kusu island during this pilgrimage season, you must make a reservation via https://go.gov.sg/kps2020. Bookings open on Monday and each applicant may make a reservation for a up to five people.

Applicants will receive a a confirmation email, which they must produce for verification in order to purchase ferry tickets from the counter of Island Cruise at Marina South Pier on the day of their visit,  30 minutes before your ferry departure time.

A maximum of 50 passengers will be allowed on each hourly ferry departure.

The first ferry will depart from Marina South Pier at 7am, while the last ferry will depart from Kusu Island at 7pm.

Due to limited capacity of 30 people within the temple and 15 people within the keramat, visitors can expect to have to wait in queue before entering these places of worship on the island.

As weekends are a popular period during the pilgrimage season, visitors are advised to visit Kusu Island on weekdays.

All private ferries/private yachts are not allowed to berth at Kusu Island’s jetties during the pilgrimage period.

Going to St John's Island

Ferry services to St John's island will still be available from both Island Cruise and Marina South Ferries. This ferry will only go to St John's and back, it will not stop by Kusu Island as usual. Check their websites for the latest timings.

Parking at Marina South Pier

The public is advised to use public transportation to get to Marina South Pier because of limited parking lots. The Marina South Pier carpark will not be available on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays during this period. Free shuttle buses will run between Marina Bay Cruise Centre Singapore Carpark and Marina South Pier from 6am to 8pm, every 15 to 20 minutes on weekends and public holidays.