14 May 2020

Your simple photos can make a difference!

It made my day to see how my humble photo of our seagrasses could help raise awareness of seagrasses in Tasmania. If my simple photo can help save sea dragons on such a beautiful shore, it would be amazing!
It wasn't a good photo and wasn't a photo of seagrasses in good condition. I'm glad that it nevertheless was helpful to this good cause.

Here's what Nicholas Alexander, NRM Project Officer from Kingborough Council wrote to me:

"A while ago I contacted you in regards to using an image (or more) for some signage we were creating to raise awareness of seagrass communities in our local community in southern Tasmania.
Please find attached the finished signs, and some photos of the three locations they have been installed. We are potentially looking at installing them at a fourth location as well.
The next step of the project will look at offering a rebate for mooring owners that want to upgrade their existing swing-chain moorings to a more environmentally sensitive design.
Thanks again for your support!"

The photo (below) wasn't a good photo and wasn't a photo of seagrasses in good condition. Taken with a point and shoot, of seagrasses at Tanah Merah impacted by the massive crude oil spill in 2010. By the way, our seagrasses and reefs at Tanah Merah recovered from the oil spill within a year.
Oil-slicked Tanah Merah: Smooth ribbon seagrass (Cymodocea rotundata) on oil slicked shore
So do post your photos on a good photo sharing service (I use flickr). Make sure they are tagged so they can be found, and when people ask to use them, do support their good work.