08 July 2019

Return of leathery corals to Terumbu Pempang Tengah!

Located near Jurong Island and next to Pulau Bukom and the petrochemical plants there. And yet, this large submerged reef has corals and other reef life!
Living shores of Terumbu Pempang Tengah
Today it was clear that the leathery soft corals have returned to dominate the reefs here. They were badly hit during the mass coral bleaching in 2016. I was glad to see the field of living branching corals are still doing well too, although disappointed that the seagrasses were not doing better.

Here's a video of the highlights of my trip.
Living reefs of Terumbu Pempang Tengah, Jul 2019
This submerged reef flat doesn't have a lot of hard corals. But there is a large field of Branching montipora corals close to our landing point. The field looks similar to what I saw on our last survey in Nov 2018.
Branching montipora coral (Montipora sp.)
There were also clumps of Branching montipora corals on other parts of the shore. I also came across a few small colonies of Acropora coral.
It was a lovely surprise to come across some mushroom corals: A small Tongue mushroom coral, a small Mole mushroom coral and many tiny to small Circular mushroom corals, some of them still stuck onto a hard surface!
There were many Merulinid corals (previously Family Faviidae) on the shore, most were alright.
There were also a lot of Blue corals especially near the reef edge. They were alright.
Living shores of Terumbu Pempang Tengah
I also saw many Boulder pore corals and Anemone corals. Most were alright. Only a few were pale or had pale patches. I saw some Cauliflower corals that were alright although they had large dead  portions. All the Sandpaper corals I saw were alright.
I saw many plate forming corals, mostly Disk corals and one small Ringed plate coral. Most were alright also some of the Flowery disk corals were very pale. There were also some Galaxy coral and Pebble corals, they were alright.
There is lot of large leathery soft corals on the shore, of many kinds. Most were alright.
Leathery soft corals on the living shores of Terumbu Pempang Tengah
I only saw one Smooth leathery soft coral that was very white, and another with a small bleaching portion. As well as a Pinwheel leathery soft coral with bright yellow edges.
There were many Frilly sea anemones, zoanthids, Giant carpet anemones (one had a hidden anemonefish), White tipped corallimorphs and Broad feathery soft corals. None of us saw any giant clams. I didn't come across any Haddon's carpet anemones.
There were many patches of seagrasses of various kinds but they were heavily covered in epiphytes. Most of the Tape seagrass I saw was cropped. I sense the seagrasses were doing better on our last survey here in Apr 2017.
Various seagrasses on Terumbu Pempang Tengah
Here's the location of Terumbu Pempang Tengah. It is close to an area designated for parking of large unused construction sea vessels such as cranes, barges and huge work boats.

The 2030 Landuse Plan by the Ministry of National Development released in Jan 2013 shows plans for 'possible future reclamation' (in light blue surrounded by dotted lines) that may impact Terumbu Pempang Darat and Terumbu Pempang Tengah. More about the possible impact of the 2030 Landuse Plan on our shores.

Let's hope these beautiful reefs will be spared this fate.

Photos by others on this trip

Photos by Liz Lim