21 October 2018

Wild Berembang overload!

Today I came across the largest number of naturally occurring Berembang that I've seen.
Berembang (Sonneratia caseolaris)
This mangrove tree is listed as Critically Endangered in Singapore. I saw these young trees growing on both sides of a narrow little stream.

The only wild growing Berembang trees I've seen were the old mother trees I saw at Woodlands Park near Mandai mangroves in May 2009. At that time, I saw two live ones and one dead one. In Dec 2010, only one was healthy while the other didn't look well. Although I have seen lots of flowers on the old mother trees, I never saw them bear fruit.
Woodlands Park mother tree seen in May 2009.
Today, I saw at least 10 young trees growing vigorously on both sides of a small stream. And they were fruiting!
Berembang (Sonneratia caseolaris)
The features of the trees match the descriptions of the tree, and those I've seen planted in our parks. The young branches hang down like those of the weeping willow. Leaves eye-shaped.
Berembang (Sonneratia caseolaris)
The fruits globular leathery with calyx lobes flat, spreading out horizontally. Unlike Perepat, Berembang fruit have no prominent cap near the stalk. I couldn't see any open flowers, though I saw some small buds. Hopefully, I may see the flowers when I come back again to have a look at the trees.
Berembang (Sonneratia caseolaris)
Here's more photos of the trees.
Berembang (Sonneratia caseolaris)
I'll have to go back and have a closer look at the area!