27 September 2018

Sea turtles in Singapore! And how you can help them

Sea turtles have been hatching on our shores! You can make a difference for them!
Photo by NParks
Here's two upcoming talks on sea turtles for you to learn more about them and what you can do for them! And a survey that needs YOUR sea turtle sightings.

Recent reports on hatching includes:

Hawksbill sea turtles hatched at Sentosa on 19 Sep 2018.

120 hawksbill sea turtles hatched at Raffles Lighthouse on 25 Sep 2018

Share your sea turtle sightings!

If you were lucky enough to have seen sea turtles on our shores, please help these students in their mission to collect sighting data of sea turtles in Singapore! They are interested in YOUR sightings of sea turtles either when scuba diving or seen on shore (nesting sites).

Here is their personalised message: "Hello! We are a group of two students from the National University of Singapore collecting sighting data of sea turtles in Singapore. Survey responses would be used be establish a first-of-its-kind database which will serve as a baseline dataset for future scientific work on sea turtles. We strongly encourage anyone who has seen sea turtles in the past to respond to this short 2-minute survey! And share this survey with those you think might have encountered with a sea turtle (or sea turtleS!) in Singapore's waters.

Link to the survey: https://tinyurl.com/turtleSG

Come for these sea turtle talks!

Date: 30 Sep (Sun)
Time: 10am – 11.30am
Venue: Singapore Botanic Gardens, Botany Centre (Level 1, Function Hall)

The last two decades have seen increasing research on sea turtle conservation in Southeast Asia, on topics including their biology and ecology, threats to their survival, and managing stable population levels. Want to learn more about sea turtles and how you can help in conservation efforts? Join us for a free public talk this Sunday in the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The talk is free, no registration required!

About the speaker: Dr Juanita Joseph, a sea turtle biologist and conservationist in Southeast Asia, will be sharing about research efforts to improve sea turtle conservation, and the current threats and challenges affecting sea turtle populations in Southeast Asia.

Date: 6 Oct 2018
Time: 7pm - 8pm
Venue: Palawan Amphitheatre, Palawan Beach, Sentosa

Sea turtles are long-lived marine animals that live in different habitats throughout their life.Though they were once abundant in our oceans, the same is not true today. Follow the story of two sea turtles with Conservation International Singapore to understand the dangers they face and the uncertainty of their future, and what you can do to help them. This talk is FREE, no registration required!

About the speaker: Rushan bin Abdul Rahman is a Field Program Coordinator at Conservation International in Singapore. He is a sea turtle ecologist who has worked in the Maldives, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia on captive-rear-and-release programs, nursing, satellite tracking, hatchery management, and nest site selection. He hopes that his enthusiasm for nature and conservation of our natural world will inspire the youth of today to be the custodians of nature for tomorrow and will not stop until he gets there.