08 August 2018

Happy National Day with dolphins, sea turtles and dugongs!

YES! Singapore got dolphins, sea turtles and dugongs. Plus otters in the Southern Islands! Here's a compilation of recent sightings.
Baby sea turtles hatching on our shores!
From video by NParks in July 2018
Happy National Day!

Spotted off Pulau Semakau in June 2018!

Rene Ong shares this sighting of two dolphins off St John's Island on 18 Jul 2018.

Sea turtles too!

In July 2018, NParks also shared: "It’s Hawksbill Turtle season! Female Hawksbill Turtles arrive on our shores to lay their precious batches of eggs from July to September. Together with volunteers and support from the Marine Turtle Working Group, we safeguard the nests from predators and monitor the eggs till the hatchlings emerge. Following the best practices from established turtle hatcheries worldwide, we then count, weigh and measure the hatchlings before guiding them out safely to sea. Just like what we did for last night’s hatching. More than 110 hatchlings have made it safely into the waters. All the best little ones, and hope to see some of you return in the next two decades!"

Signs of dugongs

During our regular intertidal surveys, we also saw dugong feeding trails!
Dugong feeding trail in seagrass meadows, Pulau Sekudu Jun 2018
Dugong feeding trails on Pulau Sekudu June 2018

Dugong feeding trail in seagrass meadows, Chek Jawa Jul 2018
Dugong feeding trails on Chek Jawa July 2018

Otters in the South

Meanwhile, otters were started to be regularly sighted at St John's Island in July 2018.

Singapore's waters are alive!

More about our wild sea turtles and dolphins and dugongs on the wild fact sheets on wildsingapore.

This article is written for Celebrating Singapore Shores as part of International Year of the Reef 2018.

Celebrating Singapore shores for IYOR 2018 logo