01 June 2018

Sea turtles and dolphins in Singapore waters!

YES! Singapore got sea turtles and dolphins! Sightings shared in April-May included sea turtles in our reefs, a sea turtle nesting and her eggs rescued. But sadly, also a sea turtle found dead in a net.
Other interesting sightings shared include dolphins plus a baby dolphin, and a large ray.

Ng Boon Leong spotted a sea turtle while diving Pulau Hantu on 1 May 2018.

Tsu Soo Tan spotted a sea turtle at Pulau Hantu on 13 May 2018

A sea turtle was seen laying eggs was shared by Sher HarihariMau Khan on 31 May 2018.

Koh Kwan Siong of NParks commented on the post: "Thanks to the family who alerted NParks on this nesting turtle. NParks staff were actually involving them on relocating the nest to a safer and less disturbed locations. Rest assured that NParks has good guidelines in responding to turtle sightings. More info on what u do when u see a turtle; and call NParks if u see one!"

Sadly, this sighting of a sea turtle which died in a net in East Coast Park was shared by Sidi Baker on 21 May 2018.

This beautiful ray was spotted at St John's Island lagoon on 20 Apr 2018.

Nicholas Chew spotted these dolphins on 25 Apr 2018!

During our regular shore surveys, we saw dolphins at Pulau Semakau on 21 Apr 2018 but didn't manage a photo of them.

Dugong feeding trail were also sighted. More on that in this separate post.

Singapore's waters are alive!

More about our wild sea turtles and dolphins on the wild fact sheets.