11 March 2018

17 Mar (Sat): FREE screening of 'Ubin Sayang' at Sentosa

Come for the first FREE public screening of the 'Ubin, Sayang' at Sentosa on 17 Mar (Sat) 3-4pm (with FREE admission to Sentosa*). This gorgeous film by Rachel Quek and her team features the Restore Ubin Mangroves (R.U.M.) Initiative and the people of Ubin.
'Ubin, Sayang' traces the journey of Xiao Ting as she learns from the stories of mangrove restoration and kampong living. In the context of modern Singaporean nostalgia for the kampong, the film brings together different perspectives on what the kampong spirit truly entails, and discusses its implications for us today.

17-18 Mar: The Fun Odyssea

For kids and families! This March school holidays, join Captain Patty Parrotfish and its supportive sidekick, Izzy Isopod, on their journey discovering treasures of the sea!
*Admission into Sentosa is FREE from 10 - 18 March for ALL locals and local residents! For entry via Sentosa Express, tap your EZ-link card to enter while locally registered IU vehicles can just drive through!

The marine community comes together to present this explosion of fun!

- Live mural painting
- Film screening including Blue Planet II
- Arts and crafts workshops
- Meet marine scientists working in Singapore

In celebration of the Third International Year of the Reef, The Fun Odyssea is a two day, fun-filled, learning experience through hands-on activities, interactive booths, and movie screenings. This community initiative brings together various blue interest groups, as well as the marine research and conservation groups, where each group has curated different activities to showcase their work while engaging the public in the most fun manner!

Here’s a sneak peek of our partners’ fun-filled activities!
  • Storytelling and colouring with Cicada Tree Eco-Place
  • Marine clay modelling session with NUS Marine Scientists
  • Hand crafting of marine animals using recycled materials with Craft Lagoon
  • The Herpetological Society of Singapore will be showing you how to make reptile origami!
  • Meet your local marine scientists! They will be roving around the event for you to ask questions
  • Screening of the highly acclaimed documentary ‘Blue Planet II’ by BBC Earth to highlight the wonderful ocean habitats, but also the problems oceans face today
  • Join Rachel Quek, filmmaker and producer of 'Ubin, Sayang', for an in-depth conversation about her experiences working on Singapore’s last offshore kampung. The film follows Xiao Ting on her journey learning about mangrove restoration and the kampung spirit on our most charming island.
  • Live mural painting with Wu Yanrong, a Singapore Illustrator who paints marine animals

Date: 17 and 18 Mar 2018
Time: 10am - 6pm
Venue: Palawan Pirate Ship, Sentosa

SEA YOU there!

Like the Celebrating Singapore shores facebook page for updates!

This community event is a partnership by Our Singapore Reefs, Sentosa, and Celebrating Singapore Shores, in conjunction with the Third International Year of the Reef.