13 September 2017

Collision near the Sisters Islands Marine Park, no oil spill (13 Sep 2017)

Early today (13 Sep 2017), 1.7 nautical miles (3.15km) south-west of Sisters' Island, there was a collision between a dredger JBB De Rong and a tanker Kartika Segara. The dredger sank and as a result, 5 men were missing. MPA reports "There have been no reports of oil spill or disruption to shipping traffic in the Singapore Strait."
Chart from MPA Release on 13 Sep 2017.
This is yet another bullet dodged by the Marine Park. In Aug 2016, there was a collision near the Sisters Islands, between a Very Large Crude Carrier and a container ship. Fortunately, there were no resulting injuries or oil spill.

In today's collision, the tanker sustained damage to its starboard bow and is currently anchored at the Eastern Anchorage. Two MPA tug boats moved the partially submerged dredger to an area near Pulau Senang for follow up underwater search operations.
The capsized dredger. Photo by CNA on 13 Sep 17.
Consolidated media articles on this collision on wildsingapore news.

Update 12 Jul 2018: Seaman responsible for fatal ship collision near Pulau Sebarok jailed for two years by Shaffiq Idris Alkhatib Straits Times 11 Jul 18;

Oil spills on our Southern Islands

Our Southern Islands including the islands of our Marine Park lie close to the Singapore Strait, a major shipping lane connecting the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
Large vessel in the Singapore Strait from Sisters Islands
with St John's Island on the horizon.
Large vessels from the Middle East, India to China, Japan and Korea ply this route.
Huge container ship seen off Sisters Island.
Large vessels travelling off the Marine Park.
Photo by Chia Wei Wei during a public walk
at the Sisters Islands Marine Park in Dec 2015. 

Recent ship collisions and oil spills