02 June 2017

Singapore got wild dolphins and dugongs too: May 2017 sightings

Heng Pei Yan saw dolphins on 21 May 2017 during a dive survey at Sisters' Islands Marine Park during a Bioblitz by volunteer divers! Her video was featured in Mothership!

Lots of lucky people also saw a family of dolphins with a baby leaping out of the water on 29 May off St. John's Island. We also saw lots of dugong feeding trails at Changi during our May survey at low spring tide.

Dolphins seen off St John's Island on 29 May 2017!

More video clips of this sighting by Rene Ong.

Singapore got wild dugongs too!

Dugongs eat seagrasses (and hence sometimes also called sea cows). They leave a typical trail when feeding in a seagrass meadow. A band of bare sand of equal width, somewhat meandering. There were many such trails visible during our very low tide survey of Changi on 30 May.
Dugong feeding trail in seagrass meadows, Changi May 2017
Some of the trails were exposed briefly above water. It was particularly good to see these fresh trails because I heard that this shore was affected by the 300-tonne oil spill in the East Johor Strait in January.
Dugong feeding trail in seagrass meadows, Changi May 2017
We almost never see the dugong but one was spotted at Chek Jawa in Oct 2013 during a Naked Hermit Crab walk for families there.

Singapore's waters are alive!

More about our wild dolphins and dugongs on the wild fact sheets.

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MORE! About our wild places how to get there, what to see and do, what to prepare.