16 January 2017

Oil spill at East Johor Strait: YOUR sightings part 2

This weekend, lots of volunteers checked up on our northern shores to see how the oil spill impacted them. Among the most important, volunteers gently kayaked into the heart of Ubin mangroves to check up on the impact there.
Thanks to Ng Siak Juay, Victor Toh and Chan May Yen
with Phillip Lim's support for doing this kayak survey.
Minister Desmond Lee also shared some of what happened during the oil spill.

On 14 Jan (Sat), an exhaustive survey of oil spill impact in the heart of Ubin's mangroves was done, gently by kayak. Thanks to NG Siak Juay, Victor Toh and Chan May Yen with Phillip Lim's support.

The blue line is their survey route, with their comments.
A) Noordin Beach / Puaka entrances. Slick most noticeable.
B) First curve. Less noticeable.
C) Second curve towards Noordin Bridge. Fewer slick observed.
Among the sad sights seen were 'oiled' snails on a mangrove root.

More photos from their survey

MORE photos by Victor Toh, showing the impact of the oil spill in the heart of Ubin mangroves. And the birds, animals and plants that depend on it. Including humans - the fish farmers.

Sumita Thiagarajan shared what she saw monitoring for oil spill impact at Chek Jawa (14 Jan 2017, 10AM)

Mohammad Juhari shared what he saw surveying Changi, Ubin and Chek Jawa on 14 Jan (Sat).

Ng Siak Juay surveyed Changi for oil spill impact on 19 Jan (Thu).

Posts about the Johor Strait oil spill in Jan 2017