11 May 2015

27 May (Wed): "The Future of Marine Science in Singapore" Workshop

All the important people in marine science in Singapore will be at this Workshop. Meet them! Learn from them! about topical issues like Harmful Algal Blooms in Singapore which can cause mass fish deaths. Find out about Singapore's endangered mangroves and their applications. Get updates on the latest on coral reef restoration in Singapore. And efforts to get marine life to grow on Singapore's seawalls. How will global warming affect our reefs and other ecological marine issues.
Learn about Singapore's sea critters: What is the most famous thing from Singapore 200 years ago? Also our flatworms, sea urchins, mangrove snakes, mangrove crabs, giant clams and lots more! The workshop is free, registration is required.

"The Future of Marine Science in Singapore Workshop" 

Date: 27 May 2015 (Wednesday)
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: UTown Auditorium 2 (Stephen Riady Centre) University Town, NUS
How to get there? http://utown.nus.edu.sg/contact/getting-here/
Please register at http://goo.gl/56I5aT

Workshop Programme (Morning)

0830–0900h Registration

0900–0920h Welcome and opening addresses

Session 1

0920–0930h Dr. Huang Danwei (National University of Singapore)
Conserving marine species: Lessons from evolutionary history.

0930–0940h Mr. Lim Swee Cheng (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
The most famous thing from Singapore 200 years ago.

0940–0950h Mr. Yap Wei Liang, Nicholas (National Institute of Education)
With a little help from my friends: Taxonomic research on Singapore’s other cnidarians, and thoughts on citizen science.

0950–1000h Dr. Ng Ngan Kee (National University of Singapore)
Thermoregulative role of mud in intertidal mangrove crabs.

1000–1010h Dr. Zeehan Jaafar (National University of Singapore)
Evolution at water's edge.

1010–1020h Mr. Ng Chin Soon, Lionel (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
Coral reef restoration in Singapore.

1020–1030h Ms. Loke Hui Ling, Lynette (National University of Singapore)
Enhancing biodiversity on seawalls in Singapore.

1030–1040h Mr. Yeo Yin Sheng, Wilson (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
Flow cytometry in phytoplankton research.

1040–1050h Q&A session

1050–1110h Tea break

Session 2

1110–1120h Ms. Wong Hiu Fung (Centre for International Law, NUS)
Building a marine sensitivity GIS platform in Singapore.

1120–1130h Ms. Lim Lay Peng (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
Harmful algal blooms in Singapore coastal waters.

1130–1140h Ms. Lee Siew Chen, Serina (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
When marine organisms run afoul.

1140–1150h Dr. Guillaume Juhel (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
Ecotoxicology research using tropical marine species: From the molecule to the organism.

1150–1200h Mr. Chim Chee Kong (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
Of flatworms, limpets, barnacles, sea urchins and mangrove snakes.

1200–1210h Dr. Siti Maryam Yaakub (DHI Water and Environment Pte. Ltd.)
Seagrass research in Singapore: past, present and future.

1210–1220h Dr. Neo Mei Lin (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
More than just a pretty mantle: Why conserve the giant clams?

1220–1230h Q&A session

Workshop Programme (Afternoon)

1230–1330h Lunch

Session 3

1330–1340h Ms. Iris Uy Baula (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
Skimming the scheming marine scum – Monitoring marine algae.

1340–1350h Dr. Toh Tai Chong (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
The bigger the better: Examining the effects of feeding on the performance of coral transplants.

1350–1400h Dr. Tay Ywee Chieh (National University of Singapore)
Population ecology: Moving into the era of genomics.

1400–1410h Prof. Jean Yong (Singapore University of Technology & Design)
Mangroves and their potential applications.

1410–1420h Mr. Koh Kwan Siong (National Parks Board Singapore)
The Endangered Mangroves of Singapore.

1420–1430h Dr. Jeffrey Low (National Parks Board Singapore)
Herbivory on Singapore reefs.

1430–1440h Dr. Karenne Tun (National Parks Board Singapore)
Reefs in hot water.

1440–1450h Q&A session

1450–1510h Tea break

Session 4

1510–1520h Mr. Keith So (Wildlife Reserves Singapore)
WRS – Manatees.

1520–1530h Ms. Lee Co Sin (Republic Polytechnic)
Small organisms, big benefits.

1530–1540h Dr. Patrick Martin (Earth Observatory of Singapore)
Biochemical insights into plankton nutrient starvation.

1540–1550h Ms. Ow Yan Xiang (James Cook University)
Marine physiology: Understanding organism-scale responses to a changing environment.

1550–1600h Mr. Toh Kok Ben (Tropical Marine Science Institute)
Climate change and coastal marine environment of Singapore.

1600–1610h Q&A session

1610–1700h Panel discussion / closing remarks

1700h End of the day